Friday, May 29, 2009

Thought for food

The Grapist
Advertising pitch meeting for a grape juice company. For some reason they're afraid the new campaign might strike the wrong chord...

Hamster vs. pencil
Rule #1: never try to eat anything longer than your body.

Fast Food Folk
A nice alternative to the rap flavors of this ilk. Making drive-thru hell just a little bit funnier...

It ain't easy
Time-lapse of 1200 lbs. of cheese being carved. Looks like Mr. Carver took advantage of the free snacks.

"My advice to you is not to inquire why or whither, but just enjoy your ice cream while it's on your plate." -- Thornton Wilder

Picture Show: You Are What You Eat
The fridge is the window to the soul?

Meat me later
Why settle for dull, inedible business cards when you can have your contact info scorched into a slab of jerky?

Mouth-watering selection of deli sandwiches, halved and digitally scanned, giving new meaning to the term "document feeder".

Friday Game: Sprout
Good luck. Check the comments (by clicking the "More information" link) for some clues.

VISA is Hungry
The Daily Tube review: "We can't tell whether this is a real or a fake ad for VISA, the giant beneveolent credit card company. But we're reassured by the soothing images, the gentle narration, and the pleasing imagery. Gosh, we just feel like going out and charging something. Thanks, VISA!"

Famous last words
"I feel about airplanes the same way I feel about diets. It seems to me they are wonderful things for other people to go on." -- Jean Kerr

Enjoy and have a good weekend,

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