Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Hallowed-out log

Well it's Halloween and I am compelled to stay mostly on theme. Arifa sent me this first item -- a Halloween Guinea Pig -- saying that it's so cute she even relaxed her "no pet costumes" rule.

Halloween animated light display 2007
What's really scary is how much time and energy (human and electrical) went into festively lighting up this house.

Scare Tactic - Rat Monster
I felt compelled to reprise this classic prank involving a great script and an effective costume when an animal rights activist meets a genetically mutated rat monster.

"Don't think. Thinking is the enemy of creativity. It's
self-conscious and anything self-conscious is lousy. You cannot
try to do things. You simply must do things
-- Ray Bradbury

Everybody must get stoned
Check out the winners and runners-up in BBC History Magazine's search for Britain's "most surprising, enigmatic or bizarre" gravestone epitaphs.

Build a Pac-Man costume
This guy made a wearable arcade video machine for Halloween last year. Learn how to make your own...

And courtesy of USC Free Culture SPEED Remix Competition...a bunch of "Night of The Living Dead" remixes.

Cheney's dog goes hunting

Every once in a while you wonder whether maybe the accident wasn't an accident and that maybe the victim deserved it.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Better keep that liquor cabinet locked

My friend Mark wrote in with this news item and I just had to check it out. I can only imagine the media coverage in the US -- say, if it had happened at the San Diego Zoo. The local news outlets would be all over it, as would PETA, MADD, Representative Susan Davis (co-sponsor of the "No Pachyderm Left Behind" bill), and countless others.

Elephants electrocuted in drunken rampage

One night at the warehouse

Creepy animated graffiti
"John Carpenter meets Naked Lunch" would be one way to describe this stop-motion fruit of countless hours slapping paint around in an abandoned warehouse. It would, however, be rather accurate too. Much wall-scuttling and body-morphing ensues. Cool stuff.

Mr. Potatohead obscura
A little bit of clay and some imagination go a long way in this gallery of custom Mr. Potatoheads from movies, TV and pop culture. MrTruffle has compiled a collection of less-popular themes like Clockwork Orange, Hellboy, and Scream, and rendered them as Mr. Potatoheads. And not in a half-assed way. "I actually wasted many hours and money doing this sh-t," he was quoted as saying.

Don't do what you want. Do what you don't want. Do what you're trained not to want. Do the things that scare you the most.
--Chuck Palahniuk

Check out this guy's skull-arts-and-crafts blog, wherein he's "making a skull image every day for a year." This pumpkin-based endeavor is right for the season.

Game break: Portal

Geeky Pumpkin Carving Designs
If you haven't started carving your pumpkin yet, better get started. Here are a bunch of geeky pumpkin designs to get your creative juices flowing . . .

Monday, October 29, 2007


Beer companies must be stocking their ad departments with linguistics Ph.Ds these days. How else can one explain their mind-boggling analyses of male communication? This clip (a new Bud Light spot) is a good 'un: Dudes, don't even pretend that you don't make use of this versatile little word multiple times a day.

Brilliant Advertising Ideas
Some pretty decent and creative print ads. And no, it's not an oxymoron.

Quotes of the Day: Advertising

Advertising may be described as the science of arresting the human intelligence long enough to get money from it. -- Stephen Butler Leacock

Advertising is the 'wonder" in Wonder Bread. -- Jef I. Richards (advertising professor, Univeristy of Texas)

Advertising is legalized lying. -- H

Extremely fresh sushi
One of the worrying things about sushi is that you always wonder about how long it's been left sitting around, going manky. That's definitely not an issue here, as this meal shows that it is still clinging to life. A little gnarly, and the comments are extra-idiotic.

Cooking with Pooh
And finally, also on the cookery front...wipe that sh*t-eating grin off your face -- it's an innocent cook book for kids.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Love Southwest? Then you might

A friend recently wrote in with word about a website called automatically checks you in for your Southwest flight as soon as possible 24 hours prior to departure. All you have to do is sign up for an account (for free or a voluntary donation) and then forward the Southwest itinerary emails to an account that gets generated when you sign up. Upon receipt, the website figures out your flights and automatically checks you in to get you an "A" boarding pass. <--! disclaimer: I only have second hand knowledge that it works. I have not used it myself. So no griping if you end up in boarding group "H". --> Wonder what will happen when everyone starts using this service? I see a premium paid service to get "priority status" on the horizon...

Saturday, October 27, 2007

The Medium is the Message: "Idiocracy"

Idiocracy (2006) is a surprisingly decent enough movie, and one which I only recently caught wind of. Built on a structure of wrought irony, it combines effective stupid laughs with social commentary about the "dumbing down" of America. Broader and more impugning than Office Space, the telling message is delivered through a stack of Marshalls.

Another fine example of a Mike Judge production that on its face seems to be just a simplistic and juvenile A-to-B story -- which in many ways it is -- but once you get past the crispy coating, you find some incisive and even subtly creative food for thought. The doctor operates with a chainsaw rather than a scalpel, but the fact that Judge is almost completely off the H-wood radar -- blacklisted, it seems -- apparently hasn't stifled him in the least.

While maybe it wouldn't have been worth a theater ticket, it's a better waste of eighty-something minutes than pretty much any TV show. It may not be the most brilliant movie you've ever added to your Netflix queue, but that's only fitting.

Friday, October 26, 2007

ground Chuck

Chuck Norris Facts
Did you know that there is no chin under Chuck Norris' beard? There is only another fist. With that in mind, Dean pointed me to this web site that reveals much you may not have known, such as:
• Guns don't kill people. Chuck Norris kills People.
• Chuck Norris does not sleep. He waits.
• The chief export of Chuck Norris is Pain.
• Chuck Norris is currently suing NBC, claiming Law and Order
are trademarked names for his left and right legs.

And to top it off, I found an excellent segment, featuring the man himself. Whether or not you're a fan, this is well worth the minute or so.

"Will It Blend?" - Chuck Norris

"Dog Video Dating" - The Meth Minute 39
Episode 4 of The Meth Minute 39 original cartoon series, which "hilariously illustrates how difficult it is to find love...even in the canine world." Video Dating -- where "dogs in heat go to meet and greet"

Quote of the Day
"It is always the best policy to speak the truth--unless, of course, you are an exceptionally good liar."
--Jerome K. Jerome

Embarrassing Movie Posters
The movies more so than the posters. This would make a good collection to hang in your house.

Friday game: this one's entertaining and educational...Launchpad

Prison hooch
A while back I told you about an evil-yet-still-piss-weak prison brew known as pruno. This 'prison wine' is cut from much the same stinky cloth, but the pictures and commentary are great. This is looking like a good weekend project...

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Drive-by projecting

Drive-by projecting
This dude scored himself a fancy newfangled projector and has been amusing himself by showing messages on the street, in a light graffiti style. Best bit...? Guy whizzing in the alley...or was it projecting rain and an umbrella onto some unsuspecting hoofer?

Dillon Aero SUV
Have you ever wondered about all those extra SUVs in a VIP motorcade? You know -- the ones with blacked-out windows that no one gets in or out of. Well wonder no more. Not just for show, they have six-barreled 7.62 mm mini guns that fire over 4,000 rounds per minute. (They need to run the wipers to remove spent casings.) Oh yeah, and the vehicle is also armor plated. (Thanks rasric)

Quote of the Day
"Too many people are thinking of security instead of opportunity. They seem more afraid of life than death."
-- James F. Byrnes

The BackUp
In case anyone has started to think that America is sane, this product comes along to dispel that idea. Ideally-placed for bleary-eyed blasting of your toddler when he unexpectedly walks into the room during the night.

Bash your computer
Staying with the theme, here's an oldie to relieve some frustration.

Odd Tools
And lastly, from the Odd-Info family of websites come some of the weirdest, most bizarre, strangest tools on earth. Can you figure out what these things are?

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Mirror, mirror on the wall

Hope you all are doing well. As you know San Diego county and other parts of California have been on fire the past few days. While I have been fortunate, many have not. Think good thoughts and pray good prayers for firefighters and evacuated residents. Hopefully Mother Nature will bring better weather/winds over the coming days. -- /vW

Excellent mirror prank
Leading off today is a novel concept -- put identical twins on either side of a sheet of glass made up to look like a mirror in a public restroom. Film people's reactions when they notice that their own reflection is missing.

Ten Epic Halloween Costumes
In the Halloween spirit...the use of the word "epic" in the title could mean any of its uses, possibly "awesome", could be "larger than life", or it could mean "it's a long story" as it pertains to these Halloween costumes. Whatever, it also means "dork".

Quote of the Day
"Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain--and most fools do."
-- Dale Carnegie

Star Wars Trumpet
This post bills this classic and cringeworthy pageant performance as "The Most Amazing Video Of A Girl Playing Star Wars On The Trumpet. EVER", and there are many things that make this video amazing. And if the title leads you to believe you're about to be "blown away" by her unbelievable horn skills, she proceeds to pump out the most cacophonous, ear-splitting rendition of the Star Wars theme imaginable.

Dial M for Moron
I can’t disagree that this is probably the worst iPhone accessory ever:

Limited Edition Ferrari Segway PT i2
And what's this -- 200 mph on a pogo-wheelie?

Monday, October 22, 2007

"You don't need a weatherman to tell which way the wind blows." - Bob Dylan

Holy crap. As fires rage through San Diego county, those who typically use the interweb sources for their news and current events might be re-asking themselves where they are going to turn for information...

Bloggers? News groups? Forums? Mega-portal news sites?

Well maybe, but maybe not. While they're fine for opinion and "softer" news stories -- and as much as you might not trust MSM to deliver you the truth -- you might likely be watching a local TV station and visiting the San Diego Union-Tribune website ( to work through your evacuation plans.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Beware! The Blog

To blog or not to blog, that's the question I’ve recently posed to myself. Why? Why not? And probably because I’ve reached a nadir of self-boredom and creative neglect.

I’ve had this web site ( for a couple-or-so years now, and pretty much have nothing to show for it other than a bunch of hard-fought writing battles. None of the easy lucre produced by a steady flow of traffic and largely irrelevant online ads. No reader legions anxiously waiting for me to post my next entry (though not that I’ve tried...).

Sure, I’ve told a few people about it -- never with pride and always with the warning that it is lame and ugly -- but I have not promoted it, dressed it up, or tried to make money with it. This might seem incongruous with the high-marginal-value hours I’ve logged -- forgoing sleep, sloth and excessive inebriation, and other good-for-you stuff -- to write all that crap. For whatever it's worth...

So what /is/ it worth? I have posed myself that question from time to time, and while the answer is most likely "very little", the potential potential is obvious enough. I work for a company that feeds its shareholders on the vig of online advertising technology. There are people out there making a zillion bucks a week courtesy of "Ads by Google" -- for the love Christ, I should be able to figure out some way to ride the system to wealth (if not taste).

Friday, October 19, 2007


99: Red Luft Balloons and Years of Cubs Losers
Well it's about time for the fall classic and once again the lovable loser Cubs are not to be found. If you've ever wondered how long a century is, sit back and let 99 years of misery for Cubs fans put it in full perspective for you. This compilation, appropriately set to "99 Red Luft Balloons", ties up all the hopeless moments of seasons fallen for the Cubs, and the deep depression of Chicago fans everywhere. (Sorry Ray)

Sick Whiffle Ball Pitcher
Staying on topic, the spherical plastic hunk of Swiss cheese known as a whiffle ball can make you feel like big leaguer. This unidentified hurler has the gyroball that we've been waiting to see from Dice-K. If only the ALCS were being played in a backyard...

Quote of the Day
"I've got a theory that if you give 100% all of the time, somehow things will work out in the end."
-- Larry Bird

Multi-tasking: Test both sides of your brain at once
Apparently, Twinoo is the First MoMPG (Mono MultiPlayer Game). Whatever, it's a challenge. May the best brain hemisphere win...

Friday game: Winterbells
In this creation of glowing beauty made from just a few clumps of Flash, you play a snowy bunny hopping along a trail of silver bells high into the crystal-clear winter sky.

Tunnel of Death
And lastly, the 3,150m long Lefortovo Tunnel in Russia is the longest "in-city" tunnel in all of Europe. There is a river running over it and water leaks at some points. When the temperature reaches minus 38 degrees like it did last winter, the road freezes and the result is the attached video taken during a single day with the tunnel camera. And congratulations to the bus driver.

Ready or not

Hayward Fault's 'tectonic time bomb'
Studying layers of soil in a trench they dug near the Fremont BART station, geologists recently made a startling discovery: The Hayward Fault has had a big earthquake roughly every 140 years, on average, since 1315. And this Sunday marks year 139.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

F@#&% work

Vindication. Some random news from the University of East Anglia: the secret to success is swearing at work, which "boosts team spirit and morale". F@#&% yeah. (Thanks Paul)

Running with the pack

99 life-sized wolves on the wall
We humans are a social bunch. We have leaders, followers, and those with attention deficit. Sometimes however this does not serve us well. Behold some art that speaks to the dangers of running with the pack. Or as they say Nietzsche said it: "Insanity in individuals is something rare; but in groups, parties, nations, and epochs it is the rule."

Talented exhibitionist (named Willy?) paints portraits with his knob. They're not too bad, considering. Would you want one in your living room?

Quote of the Day
"Some people like my advice so much that they frame it upon the wall instead of using it."
-- Gordon R. Dickson

And on a semi-related note, for those grown fat on the drippings of YouTube, there might be a hunger for the funny flash loops of yore. These aren't your father's ballpark dogs.

Cramped City Living
And finally, I'm sure it wouldn't surprise you to learn that a number of houses lay claim to being the narrowest in the world. Ambiguity aside (since it doesn't really matter), it's amazing to see the competitors. Seems like it would be a good stunt if Weight Watchers made one of these into its corporate headquarters.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

der grim Rapper

Hitler rapping
Here's a better-than-average Hitler mashup, wherein der Fuhrer lets loose some bellicose poetry atop Reifenstahl's "Triumph of the Will". This would be the original "white boy rap", no?

The Right Brain vs. Left Brain test
As tests go this one's pretty simple -- just look at it and see if you can flip between right brain and left. (Thanks, Fred),22049,22535838-5012895,00.html

Quote of the Day
"Politics is supposed to be the second-oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first."
-- Ronald Reagan

Human waves
I, like most Americans, enjoy my "personal space" and don’t like to impinge on the territorial waters of others. So have a gander at this pool in Japan that is so crowded it's unrecognizable as such. (I don’t read Japanese but I believe the sign reads, "no diving".) Unbelievable...

Once Bitten
You don't want to look at these photos of a "lucky" snakebite victim. Trust me. For once they are seen they can not be unseen. Proceed with caution.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Bob is a palindrome

Hey "Bob" is a palindrome, too...
Here's a nice piece of thinking man's creative work in this parody of Bob Dylan's "Subterranean Homesick Blues" done entirely in palindromes. (Those are phrases that read the same backwards or forwards.) Credit to Weird Al Yankovic, without his signature dorkiness.

Cat on a treadmill
Speaking of things that go 'round and 'round, lay eyes on November the cat perplexed by diabolical exercise machinery. Power ballad accompaniment adds stomach-turning thrills to the sight of her puzzled feline features as she's carried off the far end once again.

Quote of the Day
"Diaper backward spells repaid. Think about it."
-- Marshall McLuhan

Ugly look-alikes
Human-generated content in this mutted up collection of celebrity pseudo-photos. Don't fight it and you'll catch yourself thinking, "Cripes, P.Hilton is looking a lot like Divine these days."

Game on: this one could siphon some of your time...

Film fans build their own Transformer
"Good news," says Gordon, "two Chinese guys build their very own working Transformer." So three months and a few loose screws later...and they didn't even have to waste a good car to do it.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Don't visit

Don't visit 2 girls 1 cup
Leading off, a short clip capturing an amusing reaction of people visiting one of the more recent crop of shock sites. I presume that the retching roughly coincides with the on-screen pooping. This is safe for work, the shock site clearly is not.

Another Daily Photo Thingy
So in a one-upsmanship maneuver obviously planned well in advance, this dude takes a photo every day for eight years. Conclusions? He looks better with short hair and without the glasses, but a mirror probably could have told him that in a lot less time.

Quote of the Day
"The important work of moving the world forward does not wait to be done by perfect men."
-- George Eliot

Weird auditory illusion
Watch and listen to this 12-second video. Now do it again. Freakily, the note continues to rise through subsequent viewings. After 12 times it can only be heard by dogs and Superman. I presume.

And finally, just when you think you've seen it all, here's the "Spamobile". (Thanks Gordon)

Friday, October 12, 2007

Transcendental Medication

Transcendental Medication
While an obvious play, still there's something enjoyable about watching this. Plus, it seems especially appropriate for the end of a work week. Now available OtC. (Thanks rasric)

Up the Irish
Some will undoubtedly enjoy this "Bud Light: Real Men of Genius" parody to its fullest extent. For others (i.e., fans), I hope you see the humor, however painful it might be.

Quote of the Day
"All progress is based upon a universal innate desire on the part of every organism to live beyond its income."
-- Samuel Butler

Craigslist Meets Wall Street...Classic
While Craigslist is generally useful for finding apartments, purchasing or eliminating pre-owned goods, and other sundry tasks of personal commerce, it can also serve as a great source of humor. Avail yourself of this classic exchange in which a young gold digger gets a lesson in "Business 101".

Friday game: "Spot the Differences" is one where my seven-year old would probably kick my butt.

And finally, someone's idea for the Super Bowl Halftime Show featuring Michael Vick and Happy the Wonder Dog. (Thanks Kory)

Thursday, October 11, 2007


How to impress your boss
I probably work too much, but it's only because of that Protestant work ethic (which is odd in itself since I’m not Protestant). Obviously this employee is smarter than I.

"Flying Segway"
The so-called Hiller Flying Platform is clearly a step up from the modern Segway geek transporter. Hard to believe this was built in 1955.

Quote of the Day
"The key to being a good manager is keeping the people who hate me away from those who are still undecided."
-- Casey Stengel

The Pen(guin) is Mightier than the Sword
Here are a couple of novel ways to say it in writing -- little penguins sliding or little men ninja-ing. Choose your weapon.

Ninja Text Generator

Sliding Penguin text

Rotten Neighbor
And lastly, at one time or another you’ve probably had a bad neighbor who's plagued you with annoying sounds, sights and/or smells. Well this handy service lets you locate and share experiences about bad neighbors before and after you move.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Rammstein Oompa band
Another dubbing gag, but these monsters of krautrock are enjoyably undermined with the true feel of a German beer festival. Close your eyes and think of sausages. (There's a straightline for you.)

From Russia with CGI
Impressive selection of surreal images from what I presume is someone's advertising photography portfolio. That or they have a strange fascination for heavy plant equipment and toilets. Great stuff though and hard to tell what is CGI and what undoctored.

Quote of the Day
"The days of the digital watch are numbered."
--Tom Stoppard

GD time
From the OBG file, a graphic designer's spin on timekeeping, through a series of slowly shifting layers. Makes you peculiarly aware of how fast time is passing, but in a tastefully understated way.

Rabbit mess
This novel animation featuring rabbits doing massive poos has a weird Terrance & Philip meets Space Invaders ambience.

And finally, a joke that hopefully won't hit too close to home...

Anniversary Trouble

Sam was in trouble. He forgot his wedding anniversary. His wife was really angry. She told him, "Tomorrow morning, I expect to find a gift in the driveway that goes from 0 to 200 in six seconds AND IT BETTER BE THERE!!"

The next morning Sam got up early and left for work. When his wife woke up, she looked out the window and sure enough there was a box gift-wrapped in the middle of the driveway.

Confused, the wife put on her robe and ran out to the driveway, she brought the box back in the house. She opened it and found a brand new bathroom scale.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Nerdy white boy rap genius
Sometimes you spot a talent on the Internet and wish you could buy shares in their future. This kid might gonna be big -- Bo Fo' Sho'.

Jacko mask
You know your plastic surgery has gone to shit when it's a viable business to sell an impression of your face as an effective Halloween mask. Who next? My money is on Victoria Beckham.

Quote of the Day
"The toughest thing about success is that you've got to keep on being a success."
-- Irving Berlin

Having dinner in a subway train
I guess it's difficult to get a table in Rumania...

Will Kill for Food
Quick pic: looks like rising unemployment is taking its toll in all quadrants.

Tightrope between the Twin Towers
And finally, startling footage from 1974, as Frenchman Philippe Petit prances across a tightrope slung 1,300 ft up between the World Trade Center towers. It's a freaky thing -- and partly, of course, just to see the towers again.