Sunday, August 30, 2009

Collective psyche probe

Most definitiely probably
Proving the point that "news fails because journalism isn't dying fast enough." I laughed out loud at some of these.

Choose your own apocalypse
Interactive doomsday scenario picker. I found it eye-opening just how many ways there are.

"If you believe everything you read, better not read." -- Japanese proverb

?uestion Suggestion
Small voyages into the minds of humans who dared to question Google.

And also along those lines...texts from last night, an archive of text messages that people regretted sending; might be worth a few minutes to see what you dig up. Vulgar and uncensored, of course.

The Complete Idiot's Guide To How To For Dummies
Are you a Dummy? Maybe an Idiot? Maybe a little of both? Well, there's hope... and a book for you that will help you figure out the book you need to read to figure out how to figure it all out. Make sense? Yeah, didn't think so.

outra9eous ca11s
Clips, clods, and cops.

Say What
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." -- Albert Einstein

Escalator animation
Now the safest and most entertaining form of transportation.

Game zone: Captcha Invaders
You know those useless series of letters you have to type in to convince a website that you're human? What if that was turned into a game?

Pass the TP
Sorta like the old game "Telephone".

Famous last words
"Sometimes the appropriate response to reality is to go insane." -- Philip K. Dick


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