Friday, October 2, 2009

Scarred 4 life

Sarka: Complicated Horror
Now decide whether you were scared.

What's in the box?
"Due to recent developments, the box must remain closed for a not yet disclosed period of time." Very well done short, sayeth I.

Movie Body Counts
tallies the actual, visible "on screen kills/deaths/bodies" of your favorite action, sci/fi, and war films.

"Personally I'm always ready to learn, although I might not always like being taught." -- Sir Winston Churchill

Upside down celebrity faces
These folks are even weirder from this perspective.

30 Rock is a Muppet Show rip-off

Batting Average
In what presumably is a sequel to f-my-life comes this collection of messages guessed it. Truth is more average than fiction.

"A little inaccuracy sometimes saves a ton of explanation." -- Saki (aka, Hector Hugh Munro)

Create-ive parking
That's the way to do it.

Game-ish: Little Wheel
There was once a world of living robots. But one day a bad accident occured in the main power generator. The world fell into a deep sleep. Bring life back to the world!

8-Bit Lego Trip
Dig the classic vidiot games 3D-rendered with lego. Nerd-pr0N.

"Better to get up late and be wide awake than to get up early and be asleep all day." -- Anonymous

War in,

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