Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Meet me at the corner of Death and Tragedy

China recently released a brutal video of traffic accidents as part of a public safety campaign, and surprisingly it went viral, registering millions of views in just one day. (Seems like viral in China would mean billions of views, no?) If you're one to not be able to turn away from this stuff, be prepared to spend a few minutes agape and aghast. [Gizmodo]

So if you can't not look at an accident, it's equally true that you can't be enthused at the sight of a whole lotta brake lights looming in the distance. Why does it happen...? Check out this infographic on the Science of Traffic Jams.

And finally, a very cool rendition of the famous car chase from "Bullitt", miniaturized. [New York Times]

"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together." - African proverb

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