Monsters hide everywhere--from under your bed to in your closet, but who knew they were lurking on the Internet...??? Each day Stefan Bucher brings a creature to life through a video demonstration. He'll add some commentary about his numbered beasts and asks you to post your own story about his latest creation.
Daily Monster
An alpha male on beta blockers
Behold the genius of George Carlin in a SFW burst. May he RIP.
Hitchcock would be proud
Persistent bugger, this enraged goose assaulting a small boat. As someone said, it's a bit like "Jaws" filmed on a camcorder, though it's more embarrassing to be mauled to death by waterfowl.
Real Snail Mail
Neither rain, nor salt, nor giant foot...
"Just because your voice reaches halfway around the world doesn't mean you are wiser than when it reached only to the end of the bar." -- Edward R. Murrow
Bush in advertising
Interesting look at how "Dubya" is portrayed by advertisers in different countries, many of them oh so friendly.
Nice package
When it comes to store-bought food and food-like products, we all know that items in the package may be gnarlier than they appear on the label. Don't need a translation to enjoy this one.
Friday game: Launch the hedgehog
Despite the name, strictly G-rated. No innuendo.
Impress your friends by balancing 17 dominoes on one upright domino. Great bar trick if you make a habit of carrying dominoes with you at all times. I haven't tried it, but I'm guessing it ain't as easy as it looks.
News flash: Life at auction
GMSV reports that, "time's running out for your chance to buy Ian Usher's entire life in Perth, Australia -- house, furnishings, vehicles, even his job as a rug store assistant, if you want it. Bidding, now pushing $375,000, ends Sunday. Says Usher, 'On the day it is all sold and settled I intend to walk out of my front door with my wallet in one pocket and my passport in the other, nothing else at all, and get on the train, with no idea where I am going or what the future holds for me.'"
Famous last words
"Men are not disturbed by things, but by the view they take of things." -- Epictetus (55-135 A.D.)
Enjoy and have a good weekend,
Friday, June 27, 2008
Drawn to it
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Fake ID of the Week
Kory wrote to tell me about something a police detective in Chamblee GA sent him...
We have a winner for "Fake ID of the Week". Supposedly, this is an actual driver's license from a traffic stop...
So remember, kids -- when making a fake ID, attach a picture of yourself only...no matter how much you love your girl.
All contents reprinted from elsewhere without permission.
My friend Beth says that this 39-second clip just totally made her day...or more specifically: "When I first saw this, I thought there was no way it was real. And then I watched it a few more times and thought it WAS."
And Raygun suggests, "Don't try this at home." Easy advice to follow, I'd dare say.
Where's Mall Security?
Seems like there was so much less to worry about back then...
Remember Timmy... Be Careful!
"The difference between fiction and reality? Fiction has to make sense." -- Tom Clancy
Pocketless Pool 2008 Tournament
It's huge and it's sweeping the nation... like the large sucking sound from a vacuum.
Fat cat aerobics
Hard to say what this peculiar Japanese ad is trying to sell with a ridiculously obese cat character attempting strenuous exercise. Very cute though.
Quizzam: How long would you live in space?
This useful thing calculates your expected lifespan if you were to hop out of the space shuttle, based on your health and physical condition. To be more accurate it should probably include a question about how loud you intend to scream.
Grande annoyance
Here are eight types of people you'll find inside a Starbucks that are guaranteed to annoy the shit out of you.
Famous last words
"When you encounter seemingly good advice that contradicts other seemingly good advice, ignore them both." -- Al Franken
Ciao for now,
Monday, June 23, 2008
Monday Monday,
Horses are still in the news with the recent announcement by Big Brown’s owners that they would immediately begin withdrawing all steroids and any unnecessary medications from their horses. Your favorite insult sock puppet is talking about Big Brown -- and the horse, too -- as he rips the Belmont Stakes and beautiful Long Island.
Triumph Poops on the Belmont Stakes
The Definition of Disappointment
Words of caution: don't judge a video by its cover. And the time honored saying is true; it's all about expectations...
E pluribus zero
Tiny ants chow down on a dead gecko, supposedly filmed in a dude's kitchen. Clean plate club for sure...
"People are more violently opposed to fur than leather because it's safer to harass rich women than motorcycle gangs." - Dave Barry
Sorry I missed your party
Incisive comments on this blog aimed at other people's party pix yanked from Flickr. Barbs fly when they're having fun.
Quizzical: How many sequels did they make?
Guess and keep guessing. The results may surprise you.
Most Children Strongly Opposed To Children's Healthcare
Right now bills are being passed to cut all funding for children's healthcare as a result of this surprising study. Looks like a clear case that the nation's kids unequivocally oppose socialized medicine. ONN reports.
Game break: Open dOOrs
Just get to the X - easy peasy. But the doors are in the way! Can you get over the threshold?
Quick pic: Run for your life
Supposedly, the photographer looked out her window and caught sight of this bearing down on the house, snapped a shot and then ran for cover. I woulda liked to have seen the photos from the not so fleet afoot...
Famous last words
"A handful of patience is worth more than a bushel of brains." -- Dutch Proverb
War in,
Friday, June 20, 2008
Creme eggs and ham
Happy Friday,
More ridiculousness from around the webosphere to help you remember how lucky you are.
Creme That Egg
I've never thought much of Cadbury Creme Eggs beyond gooey deliciousness in a chocolate shell. This dude has other ideas and sends them through a pretty decent Rube Goldberg-like course to meet their bitter ends.
Determined dumbass vs. wall
Idjit kid tries to kick through a concrete wall to shouts of encouragement. It's short -- about 12 seconds short -- with just desserts.
"Turkish Star Wars surpasses the original"
Probably the biggest complaint most people have about the original Star Wars movie is that the hero did not jump high enough. And while George Lucas may not have had the humility to listen to the fans, luckily his Turkish counterparts did. Behold the final scene from "Turkish Star Wars". Clearly the definitive version of the classic tale...(Thanks Raygun)
"We are not retreating. We are advancing in another direction." - General Douglas McArthur
Bike Tron, a real-life recreation on bicycles that is simple yet incredibly dangerous...
...and this cool low-tech remake clip:
Game break: Go plant, go
Quick pics: The 50 Best Pun Stores
Pun stores. Stores with puns in the title. Bet you didn’t think they could rank the 50 best ones. But you didn’t even think there were 50. Well guess again, says BWE.tv.
And finally, a couple of telecom related bits...
First voiceless phone call
They're about two-and-a-half steps away from simply transmitting your thoughts to someone long-distance.
A nifty service to help you find your cell phone, escape boring meetings, and end sucky dates early.
Famous last words
"Your theory is crazy, but it's not crazy enough to be true." -- Niels Bohr
Enjoy and have a good weekend,
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Not what it seems
I know what you're thinking: "What if I attached a faucet to a watermelon and filled it with spiked watermelon juice so party guests could serve themselves right from the melon?" Well, this guy finally turned that dream into a reality. Last year's model seems well worth recycling.
Summer's here and it's drunken watermelon on tap
Drag and Drop World
Called "amazing" and "thought provoking" by the wisdom of the crowd, I guess sometimes you're just better off staying at home. Now what does this have to do with a phone...???
Shields up
How could I not include something called "Star Trek flatulence", just on spec...???
"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." -- George Bernard Shaw
Edible dot what?
Whereya gonna go when you've got a craving for worm crisps, lizard wine, a Tequilalix Lollipop, Scorpion Vodka, or (of course) Weasel Coffee...?
Star Wars Rube Goldberg Machine
Who says our high schoolers aren't learning anything?
A little gamey: Burn the rope
Slow art
This dude makes snails into moving street art. No salt added.
Mostly cloudy
Here's a webtoy for generating "word clouds" from text that you provide, and you can tweak your clouds with different fonts, layouts, and color schemes, and then print them or save them to the Wordle gallery to share with your friends (if you're that kind of person).
Famous last words
"The saying 'Getting there is half the fun' became obsolete with the advent of commercial airlines." -- Henry J. Tillman
Monday, June 16, 2008
"Hi, I'm popping corn — can I call you back?"
Microwaves have long been the standard appliance for popping popcorn. But what if you want to avoid those harmful rays that supposedly shrink your head if you stand too close? Or you may be somewhere with no access to a microwave and absolutely need your popcorn fix right this minute. Luckily, clever people have discovered yet another use for their cellular phones. Okay, so this video has been revealed as a hoax, but real or not, it kind of makes you want to go the hands-free route.
New Wearable Feedbags Let Americans Eat More, Move Less
A new product has hit the market that will revolutionize the way Americans get fatter. Introducing the fast-food-feed-bag, which will now allow Americans to stuff their faces without even breathing. Now you can get down three burgers, a large fries, and a jumbo milk shake without having to waste a single second moving food into your mouth. Once motorized wheel chairs become affordable for all, we will finally have achieved mass nirvana. http://www.theonion.com/content/video/new_wearable_feedbags_let
Secret McCain Website Edits Leaked to Press
McCain may be a little more web savvy than we suspect. (Thanks Raygun)http://www.236.com/blog/w/lee_camp/mccains_edits_to_his_website_l_6965.php
"When choosing between two evils, I always like to try the one I've never tried before." -- Mae West
Russian Hip-hop
Combining two of our favourite things... wellokay, one of our favourite things - old-styleRussian dancing. Here it's synced surprisinglywell to Jason Nevins's 'It's Like That'.Genuinely. The damn thing is practically identical.
Digital Futurism - Clock Art
Digital Futurism captures the passage of time with modern electronic readymades. Creating linear deviation from the standardized Earth time zones, this dynamic representation of the 4th dimension animates time.
Quick pic: Why it's difficult to grocery shop in other countries
Game on: Wormholes
Test your 4-D skills.
Jackie Mason '08 Vlog: Computers
Finally, another old fellow on the topic of technology...once you fast forward through the unnecessarily extensive intro you'll get a diatribe about computers like only Jackie can deliver.
Last words
"After I'm dead I'd rather have people ask why I have no monument than why I have one." -- Cato the Elder
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Well fed up
Aloha amigos,
Here's a glimpse into a fantasy world where you can smash the fax
machine when it gets jammed, throw contracts in face of your boss, and
smash the broken cordless phone into your monitor until there is only
dust left. Network problems? Hardly. Seems like someone put Splenda
in his coffee. Or pineapple juice in his pineapple juice. (Note: this
video is set to Limp Bizkit, so it may be tough to take it seriously.)
=== Fed Up with Office BS? ===
=== BBC One Comic Relief - Ricky Gervais ===
Ricky Gervais goes to Africa for Comic Relief 2007. Or does he? Pretty
funny bit, this one. (Thanks Saunders)
=== Creepy pencil ===
B3TA chalks up to Donnie Darko the fact that art students can't even do
course work these days without turning it into a vortex-sucking
pan-dimensional "pedofest". Top marks.
=== QuOTeD ===
"Everybody sooner or later, sits down to a banquet of consequences." --
Robert Louis Stevenson
=== City of truth ===
Men all over the world are being currently dragged to see the Sex And
The City movie, to keep their wives and girlfriends happy. They may
pretend to like it, but these two links represent what they really
think. (Unless they like wearing dresses.)
=== It's the cheese ===
This video from http://www.soglos.com shows death-defying clips from the
2008 Cooper's Hill Cheese Rolling and Wake, where every year fearless
competitors from around the world tumble down an almost vertical hill in
Gloucester, UK, chasing an 8-lb. Double Gloucester Cheese. It can never
really be caught as it reaches breakneck speeds but the first person to
cross the line at the bottom of the hill wins the coveted cheese.
Thousands of spectators, and apparently thousands of injuries as well.
=== QuO2eD ===
"Never mistake motion for action." -- Ernest Hemingway
=== World's most awful album covers ===
Have your barf-bag handy.(Thanks Gordon)
=== Quick pic: Typo ===
Whoever designed the cover of this issue of Parents Magazine might
regret the placing of mummy's head. The sticker doesn't help either.
=== Game break: Sling jump ===
Looks simple, but it's not as simple as it looks.
=== 2girls1cup Cake ===
And finally, it's easy to get your local baker to make you a custom
birthday cake simply by giving them a photo to work from. These people
did just that, and presumably the party followed suit.
Friday, June 6, 2008
chow fun
Happy Fried-day,
Food is good, especially when you're hungry. This fairly bizarro
commercial from Burger King suggests approaching things in a whole new
<< Eat Like a Snake >>
<< Big mouth >>
How much food can a hamster fit into its cheeks? You'd be surprised, as
this video demonstrates. Worth sticking around to the end to see the
whole thing run in fast-reverse.
<< The shape of things to come >>
Focus groups are funny sometimes, and I wish I had the spare time to
give one of these companies some "feedback". This clever and amusing
advertising campaign from Shreddies in Canada (?) is a decent
self-referential spoof.
<< Tic Tac Toast >>
Finally, a good reason to play with your food.
<< QuOTeD >>
"I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free." --
<< GPS + DHL = BFD >>
Art meets geography in modern sorta way.
<< Read (good stuff) at Work >>
with a few clicks on a virtual desktop, you can be reading Swift, Orwell
or Twain disguised as an innocuous PowerPoint presentation.
<< Summer Games: Virtual Running-with-the-bulls >>
All the fun of running with the bulls in Pamplona, without the sweat,
strain, worn out shoes, and of course, the chance of a gruesome death at
any time. (Thanks Gordon)
<< QuO2eD >>
"The most dangerous strategy is to jump a chasm in two leaps." --
Benjamin Disraeli
<< Top 10 Office Supply Hacks >>
Given some spare time and a few neglected items in the office supply
closet, anyone can make their workspace more functional, create a cool
tools for their home and office, and even rescue seemingly ruined stuff.
Today we'll take a look at some unexpected ways to use objects you
probably have readily available. Get organized and save some money with
10 low-cost office supply hacks you can do during your lunch break.
<< You want me to spell what? >>
As exciting television goes, spelling bees aren't more than a notch or
two above watching Congressional debates on CSPAN. They may lack the
grimaces of mixed-martial-arts contestants, but in recent years the
pre-teen contestants of the Scripps National Spelling Bee have supplied
some high-level drama - and hilarious bloopers. This year, the
13-year-old champion Sameer Mishra shows just how important it is to ask
the word's language of origin. "Can you use that in sentence please?"
Enjoy and have a good weekend,
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
|> Nintendo Pii? <|
The video game "Place to Pee" was unveiled at a beer festival in
Arendonk, Belgium. It gives dudes the opportunity to put that stream to
good use, directing a skier downhill or a rocket in space. Finally,
there is another family-friendly urination-based activity beyond
spelling one's name in yellow snow. Sorry ladies, biology strikes again.
|> Numbers game <|
Math. For some, it's nothing but numbers and endless frustration. For
others, it's a universal language. And for a few gifted individuals,
math is a reason to sing. This clever, nerdy, three-minute derivative of
a classic Gloria Gaynor song is guaranteed to entertain both math
enthusiasts and math phobics - plus remind you what to do the next time
you're taking one of those standardized tests.
|> Ugly Dogs 2008 <|
Daytime TV producers and magazine photographers -- get your asses to
California for this year's World's Ugliest Dog competition. There's gold
in them thar dogs.
|> Poolish <|
Interesting fake swimming pool installation by artist Leandro Erlich at
the 21st Century Museum of Art, Kanazawa in Japan.
"To achieve the impossible dream, try going to sleep." --Joan Klempner
|> Ransom note generator <|
Skip the scissors and glue.
|> Everyday Transformers <|
If Transformers had really wanted to blend in, they would have been a
little smarter about it.
|> Quick pic: Extinction Timeline <|
|> Game doubleheader <|
Sleepy sheep -- test your reaction time.
Perfect Pitch Game -- no, this has nothing to do with baseball.
|> Mean business <|
Business cards are normally a bit of a white elephant -- useful only for
bulking out your wallet and possibly thereby save your life by stopping
a bullet. But this is an excellent collection of cards that you'd be
pleased to get, from little construction models to tiny gardens for you
to tend.