Monday, June 23, 2008


All contents reprinted from elsewhere without permission.

Monday Monday,

Horses are still in the news with the recent announcement by Big Brown’s owners that they would immediately begin withdrawing all steroids and any unnecessary medications from their horses. Your favorite insult sock puppet is talking about Big Brown -- and the horse, too -- as he rips the Belmont Stakes and beautiful Long Island.

Triumph Poops on the Belmont Stakes

The Definition of Disappointment
Words of caution: don't judge a video by its cover. And the time honored saying is true; it's all about expectations...

E pluribus zero
Tiny ants chow down on a dead gecko, supposedly filmed in a dude's kitchen. Clean plate club for sure...

"People are more violently opposed to fur than leather because it's safer to harass rich women than motorcycle gangs." - Dave Barry

Sorry I missed your party
Incisive comments on this blog aimed at other people's party pix yanked from Flickr. Barbs fly when they're having fun.

Quizzical: How many sequels did they make?
Guess and keep guessing. The results may surprise you.

Most Children Strongly Opposed To Children's Healthcare
Right now bills are being passed to cut all funding for children's healthcare as a result of this surprising study. Looks like a clear case that the nation's kids unequivocally oppose socialized medicine. ONN reports.

Game break: Open dOOrs
Just get to the X - easy peasy. But the doors are in the way! Can you get over the threshold?

Quick pic: Run for your life
Supposedly, the photographer looked out her window and caught sight of this bearing down on the house, snapped a shot and then ran for cover. I woulda liked to have seen the photos from the not so fleet afoot...

Famous last words
"A handful of patience is worth more than a bushel of brains." -- Dutch Proverb

War in,


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