Monday, August 25, 2008

Dare defy?

All contents reprinted from elsewhere without permission.

Marks, set,...

The Worst Olympic Falls
The Daily Tube review sums it up: "On one hand it seems cruel to laugh at gymnasts who trained for years only to fall on their faces at the most crucial moment. On the other hand, when a dude rams his groin into the pommel horse, it's comedy gold for those of us with the minds of two-year-olds."

Pole Dancing Swan Lake
Classical ballet meets interpretive adult entertainment. (Thank Joe)

Tropical Storm Fay Slams Kite Surfer
Quick clip documenting recreational disaster. seemed like a good idea at the time. (Thanks Raygun)

Quick pic: Steep stairs

"If you're never scared or embarrassed or hurt, it means you never take any chances." -- Julia Sorel

Holy chute
Gravity-defying art. "When the social elevator is broken you have to know how to bounce."

Public John Q.

A little Google Maps wizardry gives you a guide to the best public crappers on your mobile phone. (So we're just now catching up to the Aussies -- they have a national public toilet map down under.)

Game time: Splashback
Just a wafer-thin droplet.

Suffragette City
Most people dream of owning their own island, a piece of tranquil heaven to truly call their own. For the majority of people however, this will always remain just that: a dream. On the flipside, there is a definite island-buying trend growing amongst those lucky enough to be able to afford such a residence, from movie stars through to politicians, which will one day result in all such people living offshore...or maybe not. Check out these five tiny inhabited private islands...

Famous last words
"Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened." -- Sir Winston Churchill

Ciao for now,

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