Friday, August 29, 2008


All contents reprinted from elsewhere without permission.

Good Friday to you,

Charles Manson's Epic Answer
The Daily Tube review: "It's amazing how crazy Charles Manson truly is. Before you click play, consider our warning: the video is only 24 seconds long and has managed to creep us out enough that we need to start smoking or something."

There's nothing subliminal about this message
Throughout history, many great scientific minds have worked to unravel the male psyche. Freud and his ilk devoted entire lifetimes to understanding what goes on inside the mind of the common man... yet with one fell swoop, this commercial spoof has captured the very essence of the male attention span.

Grandpa John's electric pickle
Earnest attempt at a science-type metaphor for allowing the power of Christianity into your life. Can one assume that being touched by Jesus makes your juices boil and your head catch on fire...???

"When a thing is funny, search it carefully for a hidden truth." -- George Bernard Shaw

Bejing Olympic Card Stack
Yup, they're long over -- but don't tell this guy who stacked 140,000 playing cards to look like the Olympic village.

Quick pic: Periodic Table of Awesome

Worst Captchas of All Time
Entering the oft amusement-free zone of PowerPoint presentations is a collection of all those words websites force you type to prove you're not a spambot. Sounds dull but it makes up for it with flabbergastery. (Thanks Ben)

Friday Game: Last Guy running
Turn any Web page into a game board and rescue The Last Guy

Greatest Works of Reverse Graffiti
And finally, check out these artworks that the blogger describes thusly: "Welcome to the world of reverse graffiti, where the artist's weapons are cleaning materials and where the enemy is the elements: wind, rain, pollution and decay. It's an art form that removes dust or dirt rather than adding paint. Some find it intriguing, beguiling, beautiful and imaginative, whereas others look upon it in much the same way as traditional graffiti – a complete lack of respect for the law. Reverse graffiti challenges ideals and perceptions while at the same time shapes and changes the environment in which we live, whether people think for the better, or not." Or as I call it, dirt painting.

Famous last words
"Real stupidity beats artificial intelligence every time." -- Terry Pratchett

Enjoy and have a good weekend,

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