Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Time's up

All contents reprinted from elsewhere without permission. Leave a comment -- let me know you're out there.

Hola amigo,

It's the end of the line already, again...where has the year gone? Space and time continuum. Ha. This guy has it figured out...

One year in one spot in 40 seconds

It's billed as "...this season's 'must-have' iPod accessory that all the celebrities in Hollywood are clamoring for, potentially saving you from career-ending embarrassment, thousands of dollars in legal fees, and jail time." But ignore that nonsense. If it doesn't work, at least you can listen to tunes while you're sobering up in the county slam. Any way you look at it, a great gift idea for you and/or the drunkard in your life. And could come in handy on NYE.

Use an iPhone to give your lonely dog a snack. And here I thought technology was contributing to our isolation.

Wave of the future
What happens when you set up room full of microwaves and set the timers? No -- your insides won't cook. And you won't go back in time.

"To me, boxing is like a ballet, except there's no music, no choreography, and the dancers hit each other." -- Jack Handey

The Questions We Never Answered in 2008
Some of the questions Slate's Explainer never got around to answering this year. Vote for your favorite.

Urban knitting
Forget spray paint, wool is where it's at. Welcome to the world of knitted graffiti, tree cozies and the like.

Reindeer game: Christmas Escape 2

The Private Lives of Your Favorite Toys
And finally, after you've put on your pajamas, brushed your teeth, turned out the lights and gone to bed, that's when they get down to business. It's a secret that has been accidentally exposed to many but never corroborated and proven beyond doubt, until today.

Famous last words
"Good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment." -- Barry LePatner

Best for a great ought-nine,
