Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Good riddance

All contents reprinted from elsewhere without permission. Leave a comment -- let me know you're out there.

Que pasa,

Henry Moore said, "I think in terms of the day's resolutions, not the year's." Well resolve yourself to watch this year-end review of the news in song from "Uncle Jay". Even the voice of an angel couldn't make 2008 seem like anything but the hell that it was. I don't know about you, but I'm really looking forward to things sucking less in 2009. (Thanks Bomser)

Uncle Jay Explains: Year-end!

New company logos in the wake of the economic crisis. Humorous.

Shakespeare Howls
A collection of mid-century cocktail napkins juxtaposing quotations from William Shakespeare with silly cartoons.
Classic cocktail napkins from the '50s, back when alcoholism and sexism were funnier.

2009 Audi RS6 Gymnastics
A group of gymnasts act out the parts of the Audi RS6 performance car.

"Be thankful we're not getting all the government we're paying for." -- Will Rogers

Timelapse Painting
Cool-ish painting captured in a time lapse sequence.

Quick pic comics: "Far Side" Reenactments

Game break: Achievement Unlocked
Who needs gameplay when you have ACHIEVEMENTS? Don't worry about beating levels, finding ways to kill enemies, or beating the final boss... there are none. Focus solely on your ultimate destiny... doing random tasks that have nothing to do with anything.

500 in two
And finally, 500 impressions in two minutes. Granted, he took some liberties, but I guess that's the gag.

Famous last words
"Follow your inclinations with due regard to the policeman 'round the corner." -- W. Somerset Maugham

Sayonara till tomarrah (or whenever),


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