Tuesday, February 17, 2009

What's new?


A few newnesses out there as there always are, this first one in the form of a spot-on Onion segment about yet-another must-have piece of household gadgetronics. (As an aside, I caught wind of what someone thought was the best recent Onion headline: "Tina Turner Burns Down Legs for Insurance Money".)

Sony Releases New Stupid Piece of Shit

Christian Bale takes David to the dentist
The inevitable collision of two recent memes. And I'm sure it won't end here. (Not safe to blare this at work, obviously.)

Antique Roadshow 2550 A.D.
The Daily Tube review: "In the year 2550, the most mundane of objects will be considered great treasures to those looking to get an insight into how we live today. Take, for example, the momentous presidential contest between Alien and Predator."

"An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way." -- Charles Bukowski

Quiz-bang: How old are you?
If you're worried you could end up working as a carny in a "Guess Your Age" booth, here's a place to practice.

FDA Approves Depressant Drug for the Annoyingly Cheerful
The Daily Tube review: "Millions of Americans are thankfully not suffering from this disease since the recession hit, but many still have the problem of always thinking positively. A new drug called Depressenex may be able to change all that. The FDA approved the use of the anti-anti-depressant in hope of reducing the amount of chipperness in the United States."

A little gamey: Kinetikz 2
Puck off. Good fun.

Devolve me
Ready to journey back in time? A "fun tool" to see yourself as you would have looked as an early human. Funny -- they didn't transform my picture at all...

Famous last words
"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." -- Mahatma Gandhi

Hasta luego,

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