Sunday, April 6, 2008

Know when to fold 'em

Hola amigo,

Hope you had a good weekend and all that. Remember that classic feature of MAD magazine, and arguably the best thing in it, where you fold over the pages to reveal a hidden image and message? Well here's an interactive digital compilation of them where you can do the folding without risking massive papercut injuries.

MAD fold-ins

Suddenly Last Supper
A couple thousand years of repetition and an iconic painting meets pop culture in this parodies, tributes and caricatures of that most famous of last meals.

Top 10 ways to break your server
Geek-humorous 2-minute video that shows the 10 most common ways you can break your server. Needless to say, no software was harmed during the making of this video.

"If there are no stupid questions, then what kind of questions do stupid people ask? Do they get smart just in time to ask questions?"  --Scott Adams

Quick pic: Defendius
Apparently this door chain guard helps you to protect your home against unauthorized exit.

His own beat
Drummer takes the show at what appears to be a Korean barmitzvah.

Game break: Cephalopod
A strategic dice game, though not as much fun as Mexicali.

South Park kills 10 YouTube memes for good
Finally  -- goodbye and good riddance. (And I don't mean theoretically.)

Hasta luego.

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