Thursday, April 3, 2008

Still life with Dumbo

Buenos dias,

I’ve seen stranger things, possibly -- though not recently -- than this clip from far, far away. Watch an elephant paint a self-portrait. No, seriously.

Selph portrait

Motorcycle For Your Feet
The 49cc Revolution Scooter from Mojo Motorsports, a moto-razor scooter.

Or even better, this lawn mower is one of the cooler pieces of home and garden equipment around.

There Will Be Blood
Hands down, the most awesome political video of the season. See what happens when you piss Hills off? Watch as YouTube user Roidder mixes classic Clinton Campaign '08 sound bites with computer-generated graphics to create a scene where Hillary pulls a full Carrie psychotic episode. Wouldn't all debates be more interesting if they were directed by Brian De Palma? (by Austin Keenan) Running Time: 4:45 Freaky animated violence

"I say beware of all enterprises that require new clothes, and not rather a new wearer of clothes." -- Henry David Thoreau

"Inanimate objects are classified scientifically into three major categories - those that don't work, those that break down and those that get lost."  -- Russell Baker

These guys had some pretty good April Foolz stuff. (Thanks Raygun)

World's Worst Intersections & Traffic Jams
These are no joke. They should do a reverse toll (i.e., pay you) for some of these.

Threeway Chess
Speaking of strange intersections...

They say a dog is truly a man's best friend. If you don't believe it, just try this experiment . . . put your dog and your wife in the trunk of the car for an hour. When you open the trunk, who is really happy to see you?! (Thanks Kate)

Park rager
Sick of a car taking up two spaces on the street? How about a car too close to yours? What about the car at the mall parked diagonally? Now you can do something about it.

Hasta for now.

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