Friday, April 18, 2008

Monkey Davidson


If PETA had a say, this would be labeled animal torture and exploitation as the third-world runs backward capitalism on the Westerners. But I say it's a...

V-Ape Engine

Almost easier to believe is this ridiculous pronunciation on the Computer Exchange automated phone system. Amusing in a Beavis and Butthead kind of way.

Field of Dreams
"Improv Everywhere is the cosmic balance to Gawker: a group of real-world performance artists who generally make people feel like the world is a magical place. And in this clip that's been making the rounds, they turn a little league baseball game into a major league match, with an NBC sportscaster, a Jumbotron, and..."

Quick pic: Holy crap
Beware of what...???

Money really isn’t that important. Is a guy with $50 million happier than a guy with $48 million dollars?” -- Milton Berle

Absolut Quartet
A very creative, highly stylish, industrial-looking contraption engineered to interestingly produce music. Helps if you drink some vodka first.

Mario Theme Played with RC Car and Bottles
Super Mario theme recreated by driving an RC car at perfectly placed line of glass bottles. Pretty damn cool, as these things go, though the security guard looks unimpressed.

Friday game: Pattrns
Play with matches.

The Nihilistic Beauty of Weapons Arranged in Patterns
Forget guns and butter. This is art.

Have a good weekend.

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