Wednesday, July 23, 2008

How do you see it?

All contents reprinted from elsewhere without permission.


An interesting view of life
Four minutes of deep serious thinking in this impactful slideshow of sorts. This guy's got something going here, though I'm not sure what. But I did enjoy it, and it did make me think about stuff for a few minutes, as well as reach for another beer.

Over is Right, Under is Wrong
As part of the ongoing effort at Current Configuration to make our lives better and also 10% more crunchy, check this valuable first installment of their ongoing series of Essential Life Lessons. Read on to determine the status of your roll.

Origami while you wait
A contemporary interpretation of the traditional Japanese art. Is this to be taken as irreverent humor?

"My definition of an expert in any field is a person who knows enough about what's really going on to be scared." -- P. J. Plauger

Pimp your profile
A multitude of amusing things you can do with a portrait shot.

Gorbie vs. zombie
Heartfelt heavy metal tribute to the man who led the USSR to the consumerist promised land. And kicked undead ass.

Game break: Coffee Shop
Can you become the next Starbucks?

On the sly
And finally, you know those times when you call somebody but you really just want to leave voicemail? Like if you go to Las Vegas and blow $5,000 the first night at the roulette table and need to call the wife and tell her why she should hold off on making the monthly mortgage payment. Her voicemail will be much more understanding then she will. Or if Aunt June sent you a sweater for your birthday and you need to call to thank her but you don't want to listen to her go on and on about her recent hip replacement. Slydial is for those times.

Famous last words
"When buying and selling are controlled by legislation, the first things to be bought and sold are legislators." -- P. J. O'Rourke

Hasta luego,

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