Friday, October 17, 2008

Future waves

All contents reprinted from elsewhere without permission. Leave a comment -- let me know you're out there.

Good Friday to you,

Could interactive movies be the future of film? Or does any amount of work while viewing no longer qualify it as entertainment? (Warning: profanity and violence, but what would you expect?)


Digital Conversion PSA
With the impending switch from analog to digital video, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) has released this informative PSA on just how easy the conversion will be.

No Competition At All
A Turing test run by computers themselves. I'm not sure about this bit, but as one commenter wrote, "Looking at the current progress humanity makes, humans will fail the Turing test before computers will pass it."

Inspect this gadget: Mobile bar

"Experience is a hard teacher because she gives the test first, the lesson afterwards." -- Vernon Sanders Law

Don't say it
Song with an amusing-ish compendium of things you don't say to your wife. Tim Hawkins tells it like it shouldn't be. I didn't really find this funny because my wife told me so.

You fell asleep watching a DVD
Self-explanatory(?), I guess.

Quick pic: Anti-Theft Lunch Bag

Friday game: Causality
Can you figure out how to kill all of the stickmen?

Human Slinky
And finally, for some reason or another, the "Human Slinky" performs during basketball half-time at Creighton University.

Famous last words
"You kids today have it easy. When I was a kid everything was HUGE. My dad was nearly four times bigger than me. You couldn't even see the tops of counters ... Then gradually everything became smaller until it was the manageable size it is today." -- Bizarro comic strip

Enjoy and have a good weekend,

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