Friday, October 24, 2008

Minor improvements

All contents reprinted from elsewhere without permission. Leave a comment -- let me know you're out there.

Happy Friday to you,

Finally -- John McCain is getting some much needed help for his campaign, turning to famous Hollywood directors for help with his attack ads. (Thanks Raygun)

Attack of the Directors

Behold animation that some dude created and projected onto his window last Halloween. Neat trick.

Pop rock?
Never mind the song -- the popup book concept is the thing.

Questionable activities...

Swing low, sweet 360
Like watching a pendulum go back and forth but more entertaining, this guy succeeds in his quest.

Candid Cannon
Imagine the excitement of large explosions without the danger of real explosives. Sawdust + air = blammo.

"Some mornings it just doesn't seem worth it to gnaw through the leather straps." -- Emo Phillips

And in the kitchen...

Cooking with balls
Those Serbians either will eat anything and/or have a great sense of humor.

Antique Big Mac
Don't belive everything you read (especially on the internet), but this is impressive if true. I'm considering testing for myself. I don't want to wait 10 years, but you'd think a few weeks would tell you something.

Any guesses as to this bizarro atrocity?

Game: Five minutes to kill...

Auto pit stop
In the future, robots will automatically fuel our cars. Of course, this is assuming we can still afford fuel.

Famous last words
"The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts." -- Bertrand Russell

Enjoy and have a good weekend,

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