Tuesday, October 14, 2008


All contents reprinted from elsewhere without permission.

Take On Me (literal)
Flipping things around a bit, check out this take on the classic 80s A-HA tune -- singing the video. I foresee a sizable list follow-ons.

World's Most Creative Alphabets
There are so many crazy ways to write the ABC's...a great creative exercise gathered from the portfolios of artists, photographers and design students around the world.

Simpsonize yourself
You'll need a good head shot.

The Art of Moneygami
Art guaranteed to be worth a buck.

"Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint." -- Mark Twain

Hats off
Attention hat enthusiasts. The fashionistas wouldn't pass up a chance to wear something stupid on their heads. Gear up for next year and see if you can outdo these ladies. Amateurs beware...

Scams of the week: Hoping to make internet millions this week...kash for kittens.
I need a cat(?) - a request for money to buy a kitten? C'mon, nobody needs a cat.
Buy my cat a tranny - poor Bubba is a transgendered feline, at least according to his worried human 'mom' and a psychic, so please send money for the gender reassignment surgery (s)he so desperately needs.

Game break: Xwung
Swing the wrecking ball to fend off hostile blue squares. Damn blue squares. Always looking to start something, aren't they?

Clear and present: Goatee saver
Finally -- an alternative to duct tape for this men's grooming need. Can also be used to make cookies.

Famous last words
"Nothing has done more to make us dumber or meaner than the anonymity of the Internet." -- Aaron Sorkin

Ciao for now,

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