Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Customer relations


With the havoc that downloads have caused on some musicians' traditional revenue, you've got to be impressed by former Nine Inch Nails drummer Josh Freese's selling tactics. Sure, you can simply download his album for $7, but the more you spend the more additional goodies he throws in. For $50 he'll call you up and thank you personally. For $1000, he'll come to your house and do your laundry among other things. And it only gets better from there.

Masterminded music marketing

How to torment telemarketers with one word
This devious clown enjoys winding up the caller by answering all of his questions with "yes". Stick with it to the bitter end.

"Car Ad" with Andy Richter
The Daily Tube review: "Do you drive a Hyundai? Are you tired of Prius-driving dicks? Stay calm or you'll end up like Andy Richter."

"However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results." -- Sir Winston Churchill

Tool of the day: Bullshit detector

Game break: The Fast and The Funniest
Think you're funny? Then write a worthy caption for a random photo in under a minute, and beat the other players in the round.

Letter man
And finally, this dude wrote a ton of idiotic letters to companies, claiming, for instance, that an IKEA sofa teleported him to Paris. His creative rantings have generated some surprisingly nice replies from bored CSRs. Here's one of the better examples.

Famous last words
"Idealism is fine, but as it approaches reality the cost becomes prohibitive." -- William F. Buckley, Jr.

Ciao for now,

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