Friday, April 10, 2009

Well contstructed

Creme That Egg!
Easter is on its way, so in that theme you might check out this bit of nostalgia from an entry Cadbury's "Unleash The Goo" competition -- a Rube Goldberg machine built to squish a Creme Egg.

8-BIT Waterslide in REAL LIFE
Wild ride, well done.

Construction Mistakes
Stairs that lead to ceilings, CCTV cameras that point nowhere, and an ATM halfway up the side of a building...I'd call it old world charm.

Lighthouses vs. waves...
...during VERY stormy weather. Obviously built to last.

"The shortest distance between two points is ... under construction." -- Noelie Altito

"Best of Elevator"
You never know what you will see when the elevator door opens.

The worst Star Trek costumes in history
Double losers in lame-o regalia. Or as someone said, "It's like Paris fashion week for the blind."

Friday game: Super Stacker
Your objective in this fun physics puzzle game is to carefully stack the shapes and do not let them fall off the screen.

In case of attack, pull strings
And finally, some 1960s PSAs from the U.S. Civil Defense office using marionettes to inform farmers what to do in case of nuclear attack.

Famous last words
"Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from indomitable will." -- Mahatma Gandhi

Enjoy this and your Easter weekend,

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