Tuesday, March 18, 2008

not poodles


A presumably crappy insta-noodle brand spoofs the Guinness ad in this creative piece. They'd sell a lot more health food if they had advertising like this detritus.

Pot o' noodles at the end of the rainbow

I Love Noodles
Also on the noodle front, two guys competing to see who loves noodles the most in this animated short. Beautiful and moving and can you see where this is going? Caution: a little rough (i.e., adult) right at the end.
http://www.explosm.net/db/files/Movies/daveshort 2.swf

Trippy photos
HDR photography allows several levels of exposure in the same photo -- so that the bright bits are as visible as the shadows. (Since I don’t personally operate cameras, I wasn’t aware of this.) You can do this yourself by combining several pictures in Photoshop, or by using specialist equipment. If you try either method -- or neither, like I will -- the results can be absolutely stunning. Like this...

"What I look forward to is continued immaturity followed by death." -- Dave Barry

Orange Slices trick
This experiment is a simple one, but it will amaze your friends. And even if unsuccessful, when you finish you will also have a delicious snack.

Quickpic: The truth is out there (on the corner)

Close shave
Are you ready for this? Correct answer: not yeti. (Thanks Gordon)

Boston Dynamics claims its BigDog is "the most advanced quadruped robot on Earth," and if you watch this new video of the mechanical pack mule handling rough terrain and ice with remarkable agility, you'll be hard pressed to disagree. Someday we'll all be riding these to work.


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