Thursday, March 6, 2008

To air is human


Pets are a seemingly never-ending source of amazement, amusement and video opportunity. Here's a bizarro film of someone blasting compressed air at a dog's face. Said dog can feel it but can't see it, yet retaliates nonetheless. "Hello Sophie, would you like some air?"

Air apparent

Fail Dogs
Staying with the dog theme, a blog dedicated funny photos of dogs "failing", perhaps inspired by the Fail blog.

Squirrel Armor
Here's a way to spend an evening: In the creator's own words, " I made history one night by building the worlds first set of squirrel armor."

"When you make a mistake, there are only three things you should ever do about it: admit it, learn from it, and don't repeat it." -- Paul "Bear" Bryant

High Tech Noon
Movie remakes are fun, and even good sometimes, right? Well this abbreviated short puts a 21st century spin on Gary Cooper's classic Western movie showdown.

Bonus game: Smokin' Barrels
And how's this for a "companion" game. Can you hack it in the wild West?

Caffeine: A User's Guide to Getting Optimally Wired
Caffeine is the most widely used stimulant in the world, but few use it to maximal advantage. Get optimally wired with these tips.

Try this odd, short, stick-figure animation about a clearly deluded man -- though he sounds like Stephen Hawking, he thinks he's Bill Murray. And if you can explain to me what happens at the end, I’d appreciate it.

The Torture Playlist
And finally, we learned from the ousting of Noriega so many years ago, that music is another weapon in our military's arsenal. Well apparently it has been used in American military prisons and on bases to induce sleep deprivation, "prolong capture shock," disorient detainees during interrogations -- and also drown out screams. Based on a leaked interrogation log, news reports, and the accounts of soldiers and detainees, here are some of the songs that guards and interrogators chose.


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