Friday, January 16, 2009

Carte blanche

All contents reprinted from elsewhere without permission. Leave a comment -- let me know you're out there.


So many different experiences out there, yet so much chaff. But behold the hand-drawn internet in this clever stop-motion video wherein a normal notebook (i.e., made of paper) is turned into an animated laptop, with a very different web experience.

der Zauber Noteboek

It's in the cards
Creative license. Take as much as you want. (Hefty, but worth the load-time.)

Is it right for me?
Those OTC med commercials suck, but MadTV fights back with this semi-amusing parody. If you can't skip 'em, skewer 'em.

Obamacize me
The longest election season in memory is now over, and we wanted to help you unwind and express yourself as we head into the new era. Make your own "Obamicon" -- your (or any) image in a style inspired by Shepard Fairey's iconic poster.

"In spite of the cost of living, it's still popular." -- Dr. Laurence J. Peter

The Job
Posted this early last year, but thought I'd re-do since it seems to have only increased in meaning in these tough economic times. If this could only be a shred real, with thieving Wall Street assmunches standing outside their steel and glass towers...

Reef-er madness
Get your applications in for the best job in the world: caretaker of the islands of the Great Barrier Reef.

Friday game: Bailout
Help Henry Paulson and Ben Bernanke distribute dump trucks of cash in The Bailout Game. And save some for me. And while you're fiddling with numbers, here are some games you can play with Excel.

Is it soup yet?
And finally, ask the Noodle Soup Oracle; guaranteed to get at least some sort of answer.

Famous last words
"You have to do something to justify your tenure on the top side of the dirt." -- James Lileks

Enjoy and have a good weekend,

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