Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Saturday night special

All contents reprinted from elsewhere without permission. Leave a comment -- let me know you're out there.

Hola amigo,

I'm not sure what kind of weapons the po-lice are packin' these days, but it probably will scare off some criminals. Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do? (Thanks Bomser)

Underwear Cops

Quick pic: Record High Jump from a Kneeling Position
A new world record in the high jump from a kneeling position was set last week at a beach in southern France. This picture was taken just two seconds before the jump took place. (Thanks Professor)

R + C 4ever
I've been sitting on this awhile, but apparently this video has become very popular of late. Heartwarming footage that will give you faith in animalkind.

Quiz-bang: What color is your ballot?
Answer just a few questions and find out where you fit on the political map. Fitting, perhaps, for this inaugural day.

"Where you find the laws most numerous, there you will find also the greatest injustice." - Arcesilaus

Runnin' With the Songsmith
A new Microsoft app called Songsmith can add background music to the track of your choice, and a wise man decided to run it on the David Lee Roth soundboard (featured in a previous VW post) with dreadful results.

New and improved: Benny Hillifier
It can now speed up videos. Even more authentic.

Game: Bubble Spinner

Pick a card
And finally, unique and creative business card designs from all over the world.

Famous last words
"What we think, or what we know, or what we believe is, in the end, of little consequence. The only consequence is what we do." -- John Ruskin


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