Thursday, December 13, 2007

Fight the power

We've all seen PowerPoint presentations run amok. The melange of fonts, the garish colors, the five-level bulleted lists that go on forever These mishaps are not lost on comedian Don McMillan. In this short clip, he provides some quick pointers for keeping your PowerPoint presentation from becoming a multimedia nightmare.

Even bastards become top blokes after death
When people die their faults are quickly airbrushed over. Apparently, this song caused quite a stir when it was first broadcast in Australia. Your guess as to which of the dead celebrity brutalizings would have kicked up the stink.

Korean Freestyle Slalom Rollerblading
Sorta impressive from a street/schoolyard PoV, but despite the authentic sounding name, I don’t see how this could ever make it as an Olympic event. I’m sure that Greeks are already turning over in their graves at the mere provocation. By the way, there's a lot of prelude here -- the action starts when there's about 1:30 left.

"Don't bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself." -- William Faulkner
"Be not simply good; be good for something." -- Henry David Thoreau

Hold that thought
The perfect Xmas gift for that special someone -- a thought-screening helmet that prevents alien abductions.

Motion Induced Blindness
Cool optical illusion, though with enough computer use it'll probably happen anyway.

Wash, rinse, repeat
Wince-inducing ad for a bathroom accessory that leaves you thoroughly cleaned. If you sit through the testimonials to about halfway through, you get to see a woman wiping shit off her hand. As Christmas presents go, well, your mileage may vary.

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