Friday, December 7, 2007

Road to nowhere

Discrimi-Nav GPS system
Now, I don’t have a GPS but I’ve seen them on TV. (And Lord knows I could use one.) Here's a fake commercial for one such device -- and I think you'll know where they're going with this when you start watching -- that helps you avoid those "marginal" neighborhoods. Marginally funny, but definitely at least a little equal-opportunity offensive. (Thanks Bomser)

Un-PC you'll see
In this age of "PC enlightenment", they might seem like outrageous anachronisms. At the time, they might have been considered truth in advertising...blatantly politically incorrect ads from the time equality forgot.

Two-for-one cubed
An impressive achievement in double-fisting the cube, Dan Dzoan, world champion at one-handed Rubik's Cube-ism, solves two at once in under 45 seconds. Geek chic, fo' sho'.

"Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get tired." -Jules Renard

Slow Exposure
Check these still shots of moving subjects where the photographer captures the movement as blur rather than freezing it. The dreamy atmosphere makes for some good art.

Friday game: Think you know what's where?
Geography Quiz -

Organic music
Worldwide and one of a kind, the Vegetable Orchestra makes music with edible instruments. Turnip the volume -- this one's in the key of squash flat.

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