Tuesday, December 11, 2007

list-en up, America

Americans love lists
The results are in. Apparently we love lists, and whether you do or not, you still might enjoy Goodiebag's fast-talking, tightly-edited online stand-up routines...

Herstory lesson?
Maybe "The View" keeps Sherri Shepherd around for comic relief because the resident born-again Christian has nothing intelligent to contribute. Some are surprised that the Almighty Himself hasn't contacted Barbara Walters about firing her clueless self for making all Christians look like ignorant fools. Now, I don't know who she is nor have I ever seen the show, and boy am I glad for it. On the other hand, more comedy is good, right?

This guy's got balls...
"Let’s get the CEO of every cup company. You put your cup on, and I’ll put my cup on, and we’ll see who’s left standing."
– Former major leaguer Mark Littell — who has designed a high-tech athletic cup called the NuttyBuddy and, as this video shows, stands behind his product — issues the sort of challenge that should be used to settle every Silicon Valley hostile takeover bid.

The Morality Quiz
These quascientists believe that the deepest foundation on which morality is built is the phenomenon of empathy, and are using these dilemmas to study human morality. Here's a quiz where you can test your moral mettle and do a little extra credit reading if you so desire.

Quick pic: Puppies on the go
Don’t you wish someone could carry you around like this?

Real-life game remake shows human stupidity in 8 bits
This remake of Donkey Kong takes the game to new levels of realism - and reality - by having humans fill the roles. And while I could never reckon how a "donkey" figures into this, it's no coincidence that ass is synonymous.

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