Friday, January 30, 2009


They've been saying the end is near for a long time -- probably as long as people have been able to make signs and stumble around the streets downtown -- and yet it seems we're only a little closer. With that inevitability in mind, watch this simulation of how it might happen. Funny, I always imagined they'd be playing Pink Floyd during the end of all life as we know it, too. But there will always be an England.

It's the End of the World as We Know It

Final Countdown on kazoo
Europe's epic "Final Countdown" played in all its majesty on the most unmajestic of kids' toys. Rock on.

Young Girl Talking About Herself
Short, catchy song that pretty much sums up the state of online video diaries.

Take stock
Presentation mockingly explains why your company needs stock photography -- you know, those pictures of fake customers and business people. Humorous and needed to be said.

"The future ain't what it used to be." -- Yogi Berra

Octavio Ocampo works primarily in the metamorphic style - using a technique of superimposing and juxtaposing realistic and figurative details within the images that he creates. The longer you study his works, the more hidden images you seem to find.

Champion of Guitars
An Interactive Fiction by Bill Meltsner. Appealing to those who like a little typing with their reading.

Friday game: Knife
Think you can throw a knife? Try it out; and try not to kill the volunteer.

4 Apps To Make Your Own Motivational Posters
I'm sure you'll go right for the one from Despair, Inc.

Famous last words
"You can't turn back the clock. But you can wind it up again." -- Bonnie Prudden

Happy weekend,

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