Monday, October 29, 2007


Beer companies must be stocking their ad departments with linguistics Ph.Ds these days. How else can one explain their mind-boggling analyses of male communication? This clip (a new Bud Light spot) is a good 'un: Dudes, don't even pretend that you don't make use of this versatile little word multiple times a day.

Brilliant Advertising Ideas
Some pretty decent and creative print ads. And no, it's not an oxymoron.

Quotes of the Day: Advertising

Advertising may be described as the science of arresting the human intelligence long enough to get money from it. -- Stephen Butler Leacock

Advertising is the 'wonder" in Wonder Bread. -- Jef I. Richards (advertising professor, Univeristy of Texas)

Advertising is legalized lying. -- H

Extremely fresh sushi
One of the worrying things about sushi is that you always wonder about how long it's been left sitting around, going manky. That's definitely not an issue here, as this meal shows that it is still clinging to life. A little gnarly, and the comments are extra-idiotic.

Cooking with Pooh
And finally, also on the cookery front...wipe that sh*t-eating grin off your face -- it's an innocent cook book for kids.

1 comment:

Brant said...

Advertising is the reach around you get while your pockets are being picked.