Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Bob is a palindrome

Hey "Bob" is a palindrome, too...
Here's a nice piece of thinking man's creative work in this parody of Bob Dylan's "Subterranean Homesick Blues" done entirely in palindromes. (Those are phrases that read the same backwards or forwards.) Credit to Weird Al Yankovic, without his signature dorkiness.

Cat on a treadmill
Speaking of things that go 'round and 'round, lay eyes on November the cat perplexed by diabolical exercise machinery. Power ballad accompaniment adds stomach-turning thrills to the sight of her puzzled feline features as she's carried off the far end once again.

Quote of the Day
"Diaper backward spells repaid. Think about it."
-- Marshall McLuhan

Ugly look-alikes
Human-generated content in this mutted up collection of celebrity pseudo-photos. Don't fight it and you'll catch yourself thinking, "Cripes, P.Hilton is looking a lot like Divine these days."

Game on: this one could siphon some of your time...

Film fans build their own Transformer
"Good news," says Gordon, "two Chinese guys build their very own working Transformer." So three months and a few loose screws later...and they didn't even have to waste a good car to do it.

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