Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Mirror, mirror on the wall

Hope you all are doing well. As you know San Diego county and other parts of California have been on fire the past few days. While I have been fortunate, many have not. Think good thoughts and pray good prayers for firefighters and evacuated residents. Hopefully Mother Nature will bring better weather/winds over the coming days. -- /vW

Excellent mirror prank
Leading off today is a novel concept -- put identical twins on either side of a sheet of glass made up to look like a mirror in a public restroom. Film people's reactions when they notice that their own reflection is missing.

Ten Epic Halloween Costumes
In the Halloween spirit...the use of the word "epic" in the title could mean any of its uses, possibly "awesome", could be "larger than life", or it could mean "it's a long story" as it pertains to these Halloween costumes. Whatever, it also means "dork".

Quote of the Day
"Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain--and most fools do."
-- Dale Carnegie

Star Wars Trumpet
This post bills this classic and cringeworthy pageant performance as "The Most Amazing Video Of A Girl Playing Star Wars On The Trumpet. EVER", and there are many things that make this video amazing. And if the title leads you to believe you're about to be "blown away" by her unbelievable horn skills, she proceeds to pump out the most cacophonous, ear-splitting rendition of the Star Wars theme imaginable.

Dial M for Moron
I can’t disagree that this is probably the worst iPhone accessory ever:

Limited Edition Ferrari Segway PT i2
And what's this -- 200 mph on a pogo-wheelie?

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