Monday, February 25, 2008

Broketrek Mountain

Happy Monday,

Hope you had a good weekend. Back again after a short break with a Spock/Kirk love combination. Pretty good effort, including some well-chosen shots and dialogue. And, of course, the premise is all-too-plausible anyway.

Trek Brokeback Mountain

Roll over, Beethoven
Chopin. Strauss. And now Robbi-985. In this two-minute clip by the afore-mentioned composer, a musical masterpiece is created using nothing but sounds from Windows XP and 98.

Baby "Hey Jude"
I wasn’t a huge Beatles fan but certainly give them their due. An exception for modern covers has to be made for this Korean kid who has learned the Fab Four's hits phonetically. He's very cute, and does a good job, considering all the obstacles.

"Your theory is crazy, but it's not crazy enough to be true."  -- Niels Bohr, to a young physicist

3-man WWII beach landing
Interesting "making-of" video for a documentary about the Normandy beach landings. Imagine the massive cut-and-paste effort to turn three graphic designers into thousands of Allied troops on Omaha beach.

World War II posters
And in the same vein, some vintage artwork of the "Loose Lips Sink Ships" genre.

Quick pic: Button Paradox
If blue is true, it MUST be false.

Topiary Sculpture Art
Topiary Joe's pages full of planted topiary green animals, Living Logo Art and steel wire sculpture. Theme Park quality, he says. I can’t argue.


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