Friday, February 1, 2008


Everyday normal guy rap
With a few exceptions, rap seems to have cornered itself in a number of ways, culturally speaking. Here in a sequel to his original angry rap, Jon Lajoie is back and he's mildly upset as he communicates entirely uncontroversial and ordinary feelings, events and opinions. Good stuff, although potentially NSFW as there is a f*ing sh*tload of swearing.

Rap explained through graphs
In case you need help evaluating that video, In spite of the not-so-compelling title, this is a collection of in-joke rap references in pie- and bar-chart format. Worth a chuckle or few.

Passive-Aggressive Notes
Enjoy a gander at these "painfully polite and hilariously hostile writings from shared spaces the world over". Kind of makes me nostalgic for the days when I had roommates...

"Communism doesn't work because people like to own stuff." -- Frank Zappa

Impressive, this motorized cordless twin rubber band minigun, capable of firing 40 bands per second. But only the good Lord knows why this video needs north of five minutes for a demo, but if you get bored you ffwd to about two or three minutes in for some clear action footage.

Quick pic:nic It's the end of another week and work is definitely no picnic. Or is it? Basket case.

Friday game: Gnome adventure
Help the gnome; pretty cool, both conceptually and graphically.

Dramatic Tarsier
My, what big eyes you have. Does it beat the cyberfamous "Dramatic Chipmunk"?

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