Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Snuggle me this, Batman


Superman, Batman, Spider-Man...they're all so much about yelling, punching, crushing things. Our fragile, trembling times call for a superhero with a softer touch: The Snuggler. And there's only one man masculine (yet sensitive) enough to play this role. Time for a snug...

Zach Galifianakis is the Snuggler

Concentric Circles Threaten Green Shapes
Filling time on a 24-hour headline network is hard. So when news is slow, esteemed organizations like the Onion News Network follow this simple formula: create pulsating 3-D animated graphics, find an animated graphics expert in a suit, connect live to an on-scene reporter, and make sure you get really excited about everything going on. Here, a pulsating red dot emits rows of concentric circles, crashing into long green irregular shapes. What could it mean?!

Drumming to Super Mario 2
Super Mario 2 has a great soundtrack. In this awesome rendition, though, Andrea Vadrucci proves that everything sounds better with percussion.

"Even if you are on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there." -- Will Rogers

41 Hilarious Science Fair Experiments
We should all pity the science teacher, for this is what they deal with on a daily basis. Out of the brains of babes...

Quick pic: The Periodic Table of Rejected Elements

Game break: Shift
Sometimes it's the only thing left to try.

I Just Don't Look Good Naked Anymore
And finally, a scantily-clad old man sings about losing his looks. He's surprisingly likeable and he has tapped into a widely-held anxiety, even as he obviously feels no real embarrassment himself as he gads about with only an accordion to preserve his modesty.


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