Friday, February 29, 2008

(Tell it) like it is

Happy Friday,

Being back in action at a new gig, this first topic seems apropos of how I feel right about now. Many fans have been quietly griping that the plotlines on "Lost" have been losing a bit of their flair, their spark, their unpredictability. But there's no one in TV better equipped than J.J. Abrams to throw his audience a curveball.

"Lost" Season Four... now with Magnum P.I.

Star-spangled Banners
Aren't banner ads awesome? (I'd ask you to click on a few, but Vin Weasel is ad-free, at least for now.) But, unfortunately, a few bad apples have given the industry a bad name by being just a little misleading in their promises that hot singles and easy money are just a click away. So what would banner ads look like in a world where they were required to tell the honest truth?

HSN Host Colleen Lopez Has On-Air Meltdown
Well, maybe it wasn’t a meltdown, but when the word gets tossed around by an obsessive caller before a laughing fit the size of Hiroshima gets the better of Home Shopping Network host Colleen Lopez. Obviously the years of bad jewelry and boring callers have finally driven her to the brink of madness.

"Ninety percent of the politicians give the other ten percent a bad reputation." -- Henry Kissinger

Meditation & Violence
A day late...but still good. "There is something strangely self referential to see an Alan Ginsberg sock puppet reading his own poetry." (Thanks Raygun)

The Subprime Primer
Also telling it like it is...this presentation gives you the straight scoop about the subprime mortgage crisis (including some well-deserved profanity).

Friday game: WTN
Howdaydoodat? Mind boggling, eh? (Thanks Kory)

Spontaneous Thrills
If a group of people randomly stood up and did the "Thriller" dance on the London Tube, would you be surprised? (And while this apparently was big on YouTube recently, from the looks of it some of the commuters were less than thrilled.)

What's My Crime?
And finally, if you remember the old TV show "What's My Line?", this might serve as a modernly refreshing update to the concept.

Enjoy and have a good weekend.

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