Friday, February 15, 2008

And don't let the door hit you on the way out

Happy Friday,

Well it's not only the end of a long week but also of my stint at Yahoo!, and this will be the last of these messages from this email address. The Vin Weasel blog will live on, of course, and you can drop a comment there or email me to keep in touch. A tough decision to move on, but I need to see what's behind that other door. Speaking of which...If you remember the old game show "Let's Make a Deal", you perhaps puzzled over that pick-a-door segment. Well it's a famous probability riddle, and this informative video takes you through the logic and explains the counterintuitive answer.

The Monty Hall Problem

Video Conference vs. FedEx
Business dudes working hard on their "P&L" in this semi-amusing commercial. (Thanks Lynette)

Peyton Manning gives back to the community 
And here's another one -- the Peyton Manning advert they didn't show this season, courtesy of your friends at SNL. (Thanks Kory)

"Hard work spotlights the character of people: some turn up their sleeves, some turn up their noses, and some don't turn up at all." -- Sam Ewing

Interesting that someone's mom made this Cerne Abbas Giant costume she'd made for a dude she works with. Looks pretty cool out at a club. And anatomically correct, too.

You’ve seen these tech company logos everywhere, but have you ever wondered how they came to be? Apple’s original was Isaac Newton under an apple tree, and for some reason Nokia started with a fish. I always did find their phones slippery

Friday game: Snowball
How big can you roll your snowball? The bigger your ball, the harder it is to control!

Dubai da gas, we build da city
And finally, I’m sure you’ve contemplated why gas prices are so high. Well check out what's happened to Dubai lately and see what your $3+ a gallon is going. (Thanks Kory)

Have a great long weekend and bye for now.

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