Happy Friday,
Being back in action at a new gig, this first topic seems apropos of how I feel right about now. Many fans have been quietly griping that the plotlines on "Lost" have been losing a bit of their flair, their spark, their unpredictability. But there's no one in TV better equipped than J.J. Abrams to throw his audience a curveball.
"Lost" Season Four... now with Magnum P.I.
Star-spangled Banners
Aren't banner ads awesome? (I'd ask you to click on a few, but Vin Weasel is ad-free, at least for now.) But, unfortunately, a few bad apples have given the industry a bad name by being just a little misleading in their promises that hot singles and easy money are just a click away. So what would banner ads look like in a world where they were required to tell the honest truth?
HSN Host Colleen Lopez Has On-Air Meltdown
Well, maybe it wasn’t a meltdown, but when the word gets tossed around by an obsessive caller before a laughing fit the size of Hiroshima gets the better of Home Shopping Network host Colleen Lopez. Obviously the years of bad jewelry and boring callers have finally driven her to the brink of madness.
"Ninety percent of the politicians give the other ten percent a bad reputation." -- Henry Kissinger
Meditation & Violence
A day late...but still good. "There is something strangely self referential to see an Alan Ginsberg sock puppet reading his own poetry." (Thanks Raygun)
The Subprime Primer
Also telling it like it is...this presentation gives you the straight scoop about the subprime mortgage crisis (including some well-deserved profanity).
Friday game: WTN
Howdaydoodat? Mind boggling, eh? (Thanks Kory)
Spontaneous Thrills
If a group of people randomly stood up and did the "Thriller" dance on the London Tube, would you be surprised? (And while this apparently was big on YouTube recently, from the looks of it some of the commuters were less than thrilled.)
What's My Crime?
And finally, if you remember the old TV show "What's My Line?", this might serve as a modernly refreshing update to the concept.
Enjoy and have a good weekend.
Friday, February 29, 2008
(Tell it) like it is
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Fly by night
Weas-alert: You should have received an email invitation for the Vin Weasel blog mailing list. Please accept to sign up, and/or subscribe by submitting your email address in the field at the top of the blog. If you already signed up, you should not receive duplicate emails; let me know if you do.
Aloha amigo,
Buckle up. I, for one, despise flying. Not so much because I'm afraid to fly -- it's the hassle and the fact that these days it's about as glamorous as third world bus travel. Add some cost cutting measures to the less-than-exemplary experience of being treated like warm, breathing luggage and you can see where we're headed...
Cheapo Airlines
That's what I want
An animated music video to Barrett Strong's version of "Money (That's What I Want)" from 1959, made popular by the Blues Brothers back when.
This started out as a test to have a break from my usual style, and i hope you enjoy it.
Demo call
Little Becky calls the demolition company. I wonder if she's Little Johnny's sister? (Thanks Kate)
"All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence; then success is sure." -- Mark Twain
Puppy vs. Robot
Watch the battle unfold as dog meets Roboquad in this epic confrontation for territorial domination.
Bat soup
Truly repellant food -- the second picture down is probably as repulsive an image as you've seen for a
long time. At least it doesn't have some misleading appetizing-sounding name.
And finally to complete the animal trifecta...
Purr-fection through yoga
As if you need any more convincing that some people have way too much time on their hands, check out Yoga Kitty, a tongue-in-cheek Web site purportedly aimed at helping you and your pet cat enjoy the benefits of yoga, together.
Vaya con dios.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Snuggle me this, Batman
Superman, Batman, Spider-Man...they're all so much about yelling, punching, crushing things. Our fragile, trembling times call for a superhero with a softer touch: The Snuggler. And there's only one man masculine (yet sensitive) enough to play this role. Time for a snug...
Zach Galifianakis is the Snuggler
Concentric Circles Threaten Green Shapes
Filling time on a 24-hour headline network is hard. So when news is slow, esteemed organizations like the Onion News Network follow this simple formula: create pulsating 3-D animated graphics, find an animated graphics expert in a suit, connect live to an on-scene reporter, and make sure you get really excited about everything going on. Here, a pulsating red dot emits rows of concentric circles, crashing into long green irregular shapes. What could it mean?!
Drumming to Super Mario 2
Super Mario 2 has a great soundtrack. In this awesome rendition, though, Andrea Vadrucci proves that everything sounds better with percussion.
"Even if you are on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there." -- Will Rogers
41 Hilarious Science Fair Experiments
We should all pity the science teacher, for this is what they deal with on a daily basis. Out of the brains of babes...
Quick pic: The Periodic Table of Rejected Elements
Game break: Shift
Sometimes it's the only thing left to try.
I Just Don't Look Good Naked Anymore
And finally, a scantily-clad old man sings about losing his looks. He's surprisingly likeable and he has tapped into a widely-held anxiety, even as he obviously feels no real embarrassment himself as he gads about with only an accordion to preserve his modesty.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Broketrek Mountain
Happy Monday,
Hope you had a good weekend. Back again after a short break with a Spock/Kirk love combination. Pretty good effort, including some well-chosen shots and dialogue. And, of course, the premise is all-too-plausible anyway.
Trek Brokeback Mountain
Roll over, Beethoven
Chopin. Strauss. And now Robbi-985. In this two-minute clip by the afore-mentioned composer, a musical masterpiece is created using nothing but sounds from Windows XP and 98.
Baby "Hey Jude"
I wasn’t a huge Beatles fan but certainly give them their due. An exception for modern covers has to be made for this Korean kid who has learned the Fab Four's hits phonetically. He's very cute, and does a good job, considering all the obstacles.
"Your theory is crazy, but it's not crazy enough to be true." -- Niels Bohr, to a young physicist
3-man WWII beach landing
Interesting "making-of" video for a documentary about the Normandy beach landings. Imagine the massive cut-and-paste effort to turn three graphic designers into thousands of Allied troops on Omaha beach.
World War II posters
And in the same vein, some vintage artwork of the "Loose Lips Sink Ships" genre.
Quick pic: Button Paradox
If blue is true, it MUST be false.
Topiary Sculpture Art
Topiary Joe's pages full of planted topiary green animals, Living Logo Art and steel wire sculpture. Theme Park quality, he says. I can’t argue.
Friday, February 15, 2008
And don't let the door hit you on the way out
Happy Friday,
Well it's not only the end of a long week but also of my stint at Yahoo!, and this will be the last of these messages from this email address. The Vin Weasel blog will live on, of course, and you can drop a comment there or email me to keep in touch. A tough decision to move on, but I need to see what's behind that other door. Speaking of which...If you remember the old game show "Let's Make a Deal", you perhaps puzzled over that pick-a-door segment. Well it's a famous probability riddle, and this informative video takes you through the logic and explains the counterintuitive answer.
The Monty Hall Problem
Video Conference vs. FedEx
Business dudes working hard on their "P&L" in this semi-amusing commercial. (Thanks Lynette)
Peyton Manning gives back to the community
And here's another one -- the Peyton Manning advert they didn't show this season, courtesy of your friends at SNL. (Thanks Kory)
"Hard work spotlights the character of people: some turn up their sleeves, some turn up their noses, and some don't turn up at all." -- Sam Ewing
Interesting that someone's mom made this Cerne Abbas Giant costume she'd made for a dude she works with. Looks pretty cool out at a club. And anatomically correct, too.
You’ve seen these tech company logos everywhere, but have you ever wondered how they came to be? Apple’s original was Isaac Newton under an apple tree, and for some reason Nokia started with a fish. I always did find their phones slippery
Friday game: Snowball
How big can you roll your snowball? The bigger your ball, the harder it is to control!
Dubai da gas, we build da city
And finally, I’m sure you’ve contemplated why gas prices are so high. Well check out what's happened to Dubai lately and see what your $3+ a gallon is going. (Thanks Kory)
Have a great long weekend and bye for now.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Roses "R" red
Happy Valentine'sHallmarkFTD-Day,
You always suspected there might be some use for those millions of little, hard heart-shaped candies that show up by the gross around Valentine's Day. (Well, no one's eating them, that's for sure). This Valentines day, say it with Adam's apple-shaped candy and unusual song lyrics. A charmingly pathetic lovesong is sure to cause some magic.
ABCs of Love
One from the Vault: Chris Farley Pickup Lines
Keeping the mood, this seldom-seen clip from a seldom-seen Tom Arnold comedy special features Chris Farley ambushing suburban women with his enormous wit and overwhelming charm. Farley was truly a god of physical comedy. May he rest in peace.
Catapulting Cars
Much the way Cupid's arrows seek their giddy targets, these guys are shooting real cars -- using a canon -- at a giant dartboard. Top Gear is tops.
"Generosity with strings is not generosity; it is a deal." -- Marya Mannes
The LimerickDB
There once was a woman from Venus -- but nevermind that. A UGC database where you can browse or submit your own. And remember: "Limericks without a respect for meter will be rejected."
Quick Pic: Problem Solving Flow Chart
At the root of effective management lies good decision making – hence the need the for profanity-laced workflow logic like this. (Thanks John)
Game break: Microlife
This cute little creature and his family need your help to stay alive and leave their planet.
Trippin' on a Hole in a Paper Heart (random-ish reference to an STP song)
And finally, making this heart has a lot of steps but it is a really easy (and cheap) way to make something special for that special someone on this day or whenever. Put it in an origami box and give your heart away.
Make sense not peace.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Beaten to the punch
Buenos dias,
Goodiebag Kirby continues his skewering of social convention and transgressions, tackling head-on a vexing problem in many real-world social networking circles. Experienced raconteurs will immediately recognize this annoyance and may find humor if not utility in his tips.
Punchline Piracy
Cue the dominos
Initially, this trick shot looks only somewhat impressive but it just keeps on going, long past what you were expecting.
The Greatest Show on Earth
Speaking of trick, check this $6 million home theater. As the writer wrote, "When it comes to home theaters, I thought I'd seen it all. But nothing's come close to this." Pretty sweet setup, but completely idiotic, of course. The comments tell all.
"Ahhh. A man with a sharp wit. Someone ought to take it away from him before he cuts himself." -- Peter da Silva
Another tough day at work
A massive dose of pathos from this blogger who appears to work in an animal shelter. It's a laconic list of all the pets that have been killed each day, and why.
Jesus kicks butt
You think you know what’s in the Bible? Think again. "We present things in a very brazen way. Christ is a hard guy, seeking revolution and revolt, a tough guy." the author is quoted as saying in the NY Times piece, The Bible as Graphic Novel, With a Samurai Stranger Called Christ. The first ever Manga adaptation of the world’s bestselling book has a provocative, edgy style that brings a whole new dimension to the most important book in history.
Science Tattoos
Started by readers of his science blog, The Loom is writer Carl Zimmer's collection of nerdy tats from all corners of the interweb. Exactly how dedicated are you to Fibonacci, Copernicus, and Galileo? What would you like encoded in your double-helix? Got a favorite physics formula, circuit board, nerve cluster, or molecular diagram? You're not alone. Behold the scientific revolution in these 140+ photos.
Check out his collection of science tattoos on Flickr or http://www.sciencetattoo.com/
Hasta luego.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Grand Central Stationary
On a cold Saturday in New York City, the world’s largest train station came to a sudden halt. Over 200 Improv Everywhere Agents froze in place at the exact same second for five minutes in the Main Concourse of Grand Central Station. Over 500,000 people rush through Grand Central every day, but today, things slowed down just a bit as commuters and tourists alike stopped to notice what was happening around them. Revel in Improv Everywhere's latest mission. (Thanks bomser, Heather, et al.)
Frozen Grand Central
When is a door not a door?
Driving a car with these doors will definitely grab everyone's attention. And they're not just whizbang -- they're practical.
Can’t face going to the gym?
Poor infomercial shills; the crap they have to put up with. This "face gymnasium" pretty much takes the cake, with presenters having to fizz effusively while having their cheeks stretched in an unnatural manner. But I guess they get those gigs due to their lack of sense, shame or embarrassment.
"Junk is the ultimate merchandise. The junk merchant does not sell his product to the consumer, he sells the consumer to the product. He does not improve and simplify his merchandise, he degrades and simplifies the client." -- William S. Burroughs
Quick pic: Art Garfunkel moustache
Put your finger over Paul Simon's face on the cover of Bridge Over Troubled Water and voila -- you can see what Art would look like with a big ol' set of walrus whiskers.
World map of Prince Philip gaffes
A novel use of the Google Maps API to provide an interactive atlas of locations that the outspoken royal has stuck his foot in it. Just think of all the possible geo-illustrative uses...
100 Things to do with Google Maps Mashups
That was but one possible use. If you want more, check out this list that includes such favorites as See where UFOs have been sighted, Fly a plane, Find out who around you is sick, and something for which a map shouldn’t be necessary, Find Fast Food in the US.
The Turnpike Prank
And lastly, this dude let his inquisitive nature take over and ran some experiments to test the flexibility of tolls. I wonder if he has plans to expand the testing to stores, restaurants, and valet parking...???
Monday, February 11, 2008
Prepare for battle
Happy Monday,
Hope your weekend was good. After my sick wife sought and found health care on a sunny Sunday, it seems difficult to get fired up about universal health care and tax relief. So in case you need a little testosterone-fueled push to keep you going during the campaign season, here's a deft mashup of the new American Gladiators and the presidential primaries. Regardless of how you to choose to vote, the sight of a McCain-and-crossbones will definitely make you wonder.
Political Gladiators
The 25 Most Nonsensical Protest Signs
In this modern age of cynical detachment, where many people have difficulty expressing an opinion that isn't couched in layers of irony and "meh," there's something refreshing about protesters. These people actually care about something, so firmly and fervently that they're willing to get up and do something about it, even if that something is idiotic and/or just marching around and trying to work up a rhyme for "globalization." Yeah they smell, and they're usually shamelessly ugly, but there's just something so earnest about these people that we can't help but respect. Except for the stupid ones. It turns out there's a lot of those. Here are the 25 stupidest.
Repetition is the highest form of flattery
A lot of books like these purport to have discovered the secret of achieving success. In a sense, this is no exception, being some 400 pages of "Work hard, keep going, focus" and variations thereof. I’m sure it works great if you can get past the monotony and occasional flashbacks The Shining.
"There are risks and costs to a program of action. But they are far less than the long-range risks and costs of comfortable inaction." -- John F. Kennedy
The Weirdest & Wackiest Scholarships You’ve Never Heard Of
Candy technologists? Duck calling? What the...??? No wonder the US is getting its ass kicked in education. Maybe this one should be billed as "ScholarPointless".
See the list >>
Rainbow puke
Lots and lots of multicolored art, inspired by the beautiful and poetical combination of rainbows and vomit. Enjoy.
Found Cameras and Orphan Pictures
Finally, someone is trying to use the interweb for good to provide a public service with this do-gooder blog for lost memories.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Happy Friday,
Well with the week's end coming, you might be planning to attend a party this coming weekend. Here's a vid of surprising quality that might get you primed for that event, while at the same time inspiring nostalgic flashbacks to those salad days of college. A raucous fraternal saga set to Queen; definitely has its moments. (Thanks TED)
Brohemian Rhapsody
Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do?
Whoever said there’s nothing funny about breaking the law obviously never saw a little person climb a lamppost to evade arrest. Check out these five "must-see" police arrests...
At first I thought this was of an "adult" theme, but it turns out to be sort of the opposite -- a video sharing site for Law Enforcement. Some stuff requires require that you log in, but there some good ones that don't, like this routine motorcycle stop and this officer getting down as he directs traffic.
"Sentence first, verdict afterwards." -- Lewis Carroll
How Tired Are You?
Pretty simple two-minute test, assuming you can stay awake through it.
Take the test >>>
If you passed (or failed?) that test, use this site to drum up some DIY noises to help you pass out.
Friday game: WolfQuest
A role-playing game from the Minnesota Zoo that lets you run through Yellowstone, follow scent trails, hunt hare and elk, harass coyotes and find a mate, including a multiplayer option that allows for packs. Watch for coming installments including features like producing and raising pups, designating territory "through raised-leg urination marking", and killing sheep on nearby ranch land.
Putting the "Me" in Media
And last, a little interactive clip featuring technology that might just raise the stakes in personalized advertising. Enter your name in the first field and your friend's name in the second field (skip the rest), and click VISUALIZAR. Loud amusement in Portugese ensues. I have an inkling, but I wish I knew what was really going on. (Thanks Remy)
Enjoy and have a good weekend.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Peanut butter disproves evolution
Watch in amazement as a creationist advances a straw-man argument against evolution so flimsy and poorly-reasoned that you might almost think it's a double-cross -- pro-Darwinist propaganda put out to make the other side look wacko. 'Fraid not. Has to be seen to be believed.
Peanut Butter -- The Atheist's Nightmare
Putting the fun in fundamentalist
In a similar vein, this site has "fundies" (among other things), which are sorta like "Hot or Not" with readers voting on the funniest fundamentalist quotes collected on the internet. For example: "To say the Bible was written by men and may contain inaccuracies completely contradicts the word of the Bible." Not all that useful but somewhat entertaining for a minute.
Wired for sound
Who says there's nothing educational on TV? Check this "unaired" (pun intended) Mythbusters segment: Pretty girls don't fart. (Thanks Gordon)
"The point of quotations is that one can use another's words to be insulting." -- Amanda Cross
Fun with highlights
This simple page illustrates a trick effect if you're browsing via Firefox or Safari.
Everybody's PIN Number Revealed
Check it out: yours is on here, too. (Not intended for criminal use.)
World birthday web
Much stupider and not at all funny is this handy service, which does what exactly...??? A few tweaks and it could be the ultimate mass phishing site.
Food fighter
And finally, it's clear that they’ve advanced the state of the art in cafeteria weaponry since my daze in college. Great gift for small children.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Street smarts
Ever wonder just how far in you can zoom in using Google Maps? Well in this video Google Street View gets even more invasive, with a thing that Valleywag calls "improving geolocated search". I call it the future I don’t want to live to see.
And you thought Google Street View was creepy before
Look at those holo'd out cheeks
Also creepy is this holographic display-o-rama of model Kate Moss, who looks only slightly less ethereal than usual. (Thanks Gordon)
Roller skating in limbo
Roller skates, cars, chin scrapes. Uh...you have to see this one to understand. Pretty impressive. (Thanks Heather)
"We would accomplish many more things if we did not think of them as impossible." -- Vince Lombardi
Happy New Year's Eve -- if you're celebrating the Chinese New Year, that is. A couple of items in recently on that front...
Bad cookie
Real Chinese fortune cookie, on the web. Does not require eating virtual Cashew Chicken.
A name of your own
Type in your English name, gender, DoB, some desired characteristics and voila -- your new Chinese moniker.
Getting out the vote, graphically
And finally, despite all the hoopla -- no to mention the sheer pleasure of exercising one's Constitutional privilege -- some people need a little encouragement to hit the polls. Well AIGA, the professional association for design, asked designers from across the United States to create nonpartisan posters that would encourage the American public to participate in the electoral process, and to vote for a presidential candidate. As the AIGA put it, "Good design makes choices clear". Given the ballot I've seen, I wouldn't go quite that far.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
The smell of experience
Hola amigo,
With "Super Tuesday" here and a bunch of delegates up for grabs, here's a new entrant in a different crowded field. A scent of things to come, and just in time for Valentine's Day, too.
New celebrity fragrance
(And don’t forget to head to the polls today and cast your vote for the "lessest" evil.)
From politics to finance, you might wonder what is going on in the world of finance? John Fortune and John Bird offer some humorous insight in this skit from the South Bank show. It's lengthy but of the high-quality dry-witted British variety.
Quick pic: Scrabblegram
Pretty funny, and no, this is not Photoshop'd -- there really is a different answer for it. Post a comment if you know what it is.
"I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it." -- Thomas Jefferson
The eyes have it
The only art eye know that stares back at you.
Japanese "Water Horse" Ad Uses Giant Water Hologram Monster
Some well-timed fountains provide the perfect watery backdrop for a 3D likeness of the monster from Loch Ness. Innovative hologram marketing campaign for the Loch Ness monster movie, "The Water Horse", in Japan.
Clay macabre
Now this is one creepy, disturbing children's cartoon. Banned from TV, it seems, and with good reason -- the story is (more or less) about Satan destroying a claymation-based civilization and telling some kids that humanity is unimportant. Even odder is that this is based on a Mark Twain short story.
Have a super Tuesday and vaya con huevos.
Monday, February 4, 2008
Heads up
No soup for you
Happy Monday. Hope you had a good weekend. If you were a football fan, I know you enjoyed a great game (regardless of whether you were pleased with the outcome) in a surprise to end all surprises. Well this video is pretty much a shocker, too. Kids -- this should teach you to stay away from pot.
Everybody must get stoned
Speaking of which, check out these idjits testing out a 'turbo-bong'. All well and good, and clearly wildly more successful than they'd hoped. The result: they all just stand around making "dude" noises as the room fills with choking, unbreathable smog.
Appalling old ads
I don’t know how many of yesterday's Super Bowl ads you caught, but no matter what you thought of them, I don’t believe they could stack up against these beauties from the good old days.
"Most people would like to be delivered from temptation but would like it to keep in touch." -- Robert Orben
Evolution of an artist
Watch the change, frame by frame. His work is pretty cool, too.
The Periodic Table Printmaking Project
Ninety-six printmakers have jointly created prints in various media to create a periodic table of elements that craftily blends science and art. This undoubtedly would have simplified the task of memorizing this in high school chemistry.
Canine Quotient
And lastly, something no one needs but that will undoubtedly make someone a mint. Doesn’t much matter to me, as I can’t afford to send my dog to MIT anyway.
Friday, February 1, 2008
Everyday normal guy rap
With a few exceptions, rap seems to have cornered itself in a number of ways, culturally speaking. Here in a sequel to his original angry rap, Jon Lajoie is back and he's mildly upset as he communicates entirely uncontroversial and ordinary feelings, events and opinions. Good stuff, although potentially NSFW as there is a f*ing sh*tload of swearing.
Rap explained through graphs
In case you need help evaluating that video, In spite of the not-so-compelling title, this is a collection of in-joke rap references in pie- and bar-chart format. Worth a chuckle or few.
Passive-Aggressive Notes
Enjoy a gander at these "painfully polite and hilariously hostile writings from shared spaces the world over". Kind of makes me nostalgic for the days when I had roommates...
"Communism doesn't work because people like to own stuff." -- Frank Zappa
Impressive, this motorized cordless twin rubber band minigun, capable of firing 40 bands per second. But only the good Lord knows why this video needs north of five minutes for a demo, but if you get bored you ffwd to about two or three minutes in for some clear action footage.
Quick pic:nic It's the end of another week and work is definitely no picnic. Or is it? Basket case.
Friday game: Gnome adventure
Help the gnome; pretty cool, both conceptually and graphically.
Dramatic Tarsier
My, what big eyes you have. Does it beat the cyberfamous "Dramatic Chipmunk"?