Monday, November 26, 2007

Casting a wide net

Casting gags
Marketers -- if you're stuck for a idea for a web viral, then hold an open casting and edit up the crappiest participants. It never fails. This one: looking for an overacting badass.

Baby Queen
After watching this, I couldn't hold it either. Freddie Mercury is no doubt rolling in his grave.

"Acquaintance, n.: A person whom we know well enough to borrow from, but not well enough to lend to."
-- Ambrose Bierce

Curiosity canned the cat
Thankfully, I didn't see any of this at the Thanksgiving dinner table. But then again, who doesn't like a little Jellied Eel or Silkworm Pupa?

Game-stop: Black is White. White is Black. Enjoy some mind twisting insanity.
Yin-Yang -

Cat cutlery
The key phrase here is "after her children left home"; this woman trained her cat to eat with cutlery so that it could dine at the table with her and her hapless husband. Un-forking-believable -- she must have been extraordinarily bored. Anyway, now she believes that cat would like to be in films and to meet Tiger Woods. Hmm.

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