Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Fat Thursday

Collapsing shop page
"Cyber Monday" came early for this cleverly set-up website for a Dutch retailer. Looks fairly nondescript, but mouse-over the blue cup on the right... pandemonium!

What's in your fridge? And why does anyone care?
Appropriate for such a food-focused holiday, is a project where people open their fridges to others. 'Cause every fridge tells a story. And they want to know yours.

Quote of the Day
"If it weren't for Philo T. Farnsworth, inventor of television, we'd still be eating frozen radio dinners."
-- Johnny Carson

PSA4U: Catalog Choice
If your mailbox is anything like mine (bulging at the seams), it would surely ask you to save a tree and take yourself off the lists for any unwanted catalogs.

Ham I Am
Jones Soda Co., a Seattle-based purveyor of offbeat fizzy water is selling holiday-themed limited-edition packs of sodas that include flavors such as ham and latkes. It even will be kosher, the company says - including the ham.

Game-ish: Feed the head
A holiday-appropriate online toy that we all loved so much in yesteryear. Keep poking around the animated head and see what happens. Kept me amused for a fair time.

Fall Foliage Web cams
Let the leaves fall where they may...

Mark Steyn: World should give thanks for America
A well put Thanksgiving sentiment in another great piece of writing from Mark Steyn, who's Canadian by the way. (Thanks Pops)

Enjoy, have a happy Thanksgiving, and eat early and often. (To the rest of the world, Happy Thursday.) God bless America.

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