Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Tipping Point
Guinness just launched "Tipping Point", the most expensive TV ad in its 80-year marketing history, with a domino rally that features cars, flaming hay bales and grandfather clocks. Shot up an Argentinian mountain, the ad shows a community coming together to create the mother of all domino-toppling spectacles. (Production cost: $10 million) Cooler than the temp at which the beer is typically served.

Rocky in five seconds
From an epic extravaganza to the other end, here's an extremely brief re-edit of the entire Rocky canon, saying all that needs to be said. The dude who did it has a fair number of viddies up on YouTube, including a few gems.

Quote of the Day
"No matter what side of the argument you are on, you always find people on your side that you wish were on the other."
-- Jascha Heifetz

I told you not to play with your food
The often brutal animal kingdom occasionally has a nice side. (Really -- this isn't a cheap trick. Would NPR lie to us?)

They were also able to determine the real cause of global warming:

Quick Quiz: Minimalist Art Gallery
This page contains a dozen images -- one authentic work of so-called "minimalist" art and the rest are fakes. Can you identify the real masterpiece?

Finger Jousting
Sport of modern day would-be knights or most asinine thing you’ve seen in a while? I know which finger I’d be using. Pointless (pun intended).

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