Saturday, November 10, 2007

Happy Birthday, USMC

Words of our fathers.

For 4 of the 232 years (1.7% of the time) that there has been a US Marine Corps, they were honored by my presence. In tribute to my exalted standing, they paid me poorly, lavished almost no rank on me and insisted on discipline and also that I think for myself. And it was always expected that I "measure up". It was my first and defining experience as an adult. And everyday since, through my blunders and successes, the Marine Corps' shadow lingers close by.

"And you'll be a Marine until the day you die." Words that ring as true today as they were when I first heard them as a 17-year old kid a half a century ago.

The Marine Corps' birthday is one day every year that might bring tears to my eyes. Part of it is of course remembering my youth and the innocent kid that stood in ranks so long ago but I think its also because life was simpler and honor and duty were things to be proud of. Taking care of your friends and knowing they would do the same.

Happy Birthday, USMC.

Wendell Harris

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