Thursday, November 8, 2007


Simple enough but fairly cool, once you stop wondering what's going on. Worth a minute, I reckon.

Pipe Dream
More cool things with balls...this vidimation has been elevated to "all-time classic". And apparently for some reason you can get it on DVD.

"What we call 'Progress' is the exchange of one nuisance for another nuisance."
-- Havelock Ellis

What's He Saying?
Play the clip several times, alternating between looking at the talking head while listening, and listening with your eyes shut. Most adults (98%) think they are hearing "DA" -- a so called "fused response" -- where the "D" is a result of an audio-visual illusion. In reality you are hearing the sound "BA", while you are seeing the lip movements "GA". Known as the "McGurk effect" apparently, probably just because it sounds odd.

Worth spending a few secs checking out the photos of Trey Ratcliff, who uses the "high dynamic range" technique to produce stunning images.

How to make a spider out of scissors
And better yet, they were confiscated at the airport. Run from, and not with, this thing.

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