Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Get me Dr. Snopes -- stat!

Urban Legend ER
Ever hear the one about the penny on the train tracks? Or the one about the penny dropping from the Empire State Building? Well neither is quite as bad as swallowing Pop Rocks and Coke. Your friends over at College Humor present the gripping dramatization of any ER doc's worst nightmare: the clinic of urban legends. My cousin's friend's girlfriend told me about this video where every urban legend is true...

An actually useful web site that creatively shows a photograph of the current time, with the photo changing every minute of the day (that's 1,440 in all), to deliver a rotating picture clock sorta deal.

Reality Clock
Time for a reality check...?? The economy is suffering some upheaval so what better time to watch the US cost of living go up with real-time statistics. Plenty of other stats for panicked global economies, including some fairly weird ones...

"A man with a watch knows what time it is. A man with two watches is never sure." -- Segal's Law

Quick pic: Gridlock (or more like deadlock)

Swiss watch
Or better yet, take the train. Check the alpha version of this cool, real-time transit map.

Game break: Ramps
Set 'em up to guide the spheres.

Packing Tape Art
The interweb holds something of an obsession with artists creating art from strange materials like chicken wire, gunpowder, cardboard and clothes hangers. This artist, however, has to take the gold for most mundane art material ever: brown packing tape. But wait -- surprising drama is crafted with carefully applied layers of tape on Plexiglas, suffused with light from behind.

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