Friday, January 11, 2008

Phone home (and garden)

What, your cell phone doesn't do laundry?
First there was the simple mobile phone call. Then came text messaging. Then we gained the ability to send e-mail, take photos, download music, surf the Web, and get turn-by-turn driving directions. Now, this two-minute spoof gives us a look at the next generation of cell phones and the true meaning of multifunction.

Negative energy
Appropriate for a Friday, some would say...check out these unofficial yet semi-humorous de-motivational posters. (Thanks Joe)

Remote-controlled Desktop Forklift
This tiny machine does all the heavy lifting for you, if by heavy you mean a few ounces. Watch the terribly exciting video.

"It takes only one drink to get me drunk. The trouble is, I can't remember if it's the thirteenth or the fourteenth." -George Burns

Scalectrix vs. Kitten
The inevitable consequence of possessing both pets and small, fast-moving toys. Then it gets a little strange, though apparently anyone with cats and scalectrix will understand. The video is almost slick enough that you might think it's some sort of viral marketing for either racing cars or interfering cats. The dude has also made some other vids as well that might be worth checking.

Friday game: piece be with you
Tangram -

Online Church Sign Generator
And finally, there's always another Sabbath on the horizon, but now you can create your own "Sunday go to Meeting" sign. Warning: Too much cleverness may cause burns for eternity. (Thanks Gordon)

1 comment:

Nice Guy said...

More fun sign generators @ (500 templates).