Friday, January 18, 2008

iHeart attack

A modern-day lovestory
Maybe it was the glow of his LCD flat screen or the curves of her hard drive. Whatever it was, these two can't keep it wireless. This "quirky" one-minute video portends a lame and disturbing future, or maybe just goes for a laugh.

Step by step details on how to transform your toothbrush from useless implement of dental hygiene to fearsome engine of destruction. Please note: your fearsomeness mileage may vary.

"It would appear that we have reached the limits of what it is possible to achieve with computer technology, although one should be careful with such statements, as they tend to sound pretty silly in five years." -- John Von Neumann

They hate horses, don’t they?
The owner of this blog proclaims: "Look, this is a website about horses and how much we hate them. They are gross and stupid and disgusting and smell like sh-t. There are flies all over them and they make dumb noises. HORSES ARE TERRIBLE!!!" Sheesh -- now that's a hater. Warning: extreme written profanity.

Owned by Animals
And some payback...a bunch of clips showing people getting bested by animals. It's not that they're smarter than we are, it's just that we're dumber.

Friday game: Word Sandwich
Figure out the mystery five-letter word by typing in guesses, which will float to the top or bottom if they are too "high" or "low" alphabetically. Challenging or possibly annoying, depending on your mood.

Take it to the Bank(sy)
And finally, some pretty cool art -- both in concept and execution -- in several different media. If you'd like a refreshing change, go explore. (Thanks Joel)

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